I talked to my mom, today; she has been out of town, visiting with her sister. My sister sent out the bridal shower invitations and my mother said she got me something for the shower on pinterest. Oh... I know what's coming. I knew she got me a hanger that says Mrs. FIs last name. I told her to just keep in mind that I am not taking FIs last name (I have told her several times before.) She said, "Oh damn it." She told me what she got me and I was right. She asked me if I wanted her to call and have the name changed. I told her if she could, I would appreciate it, but if she wasn't able to, it wasn't the biggest of deals. I have told her I was not taking FIs last name several times.
I just know, if they can't change it, I won't be Mrs. FI, and it might be poor taste to have this hanger in my wedding photos. My FI is still sore about me not taking his last name, and I don't want to rub it in his face. But I also know my mother would expect to see her gift to me in the photos. Did I handle this correctly? How should I handle it if they can't change the name on the hanger? I hate monogrammed stuff for this very reason. Unless a couple registers for it, it should never be presumed. I know I will get tons of monogrammed stuff from extended family, but they will never know if I used it or not. What would you do in this situation where the hanger would be expected to be seen in photos?