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First wedding injury

It was honestly entirely inevitable. I'm super careless.

We're making paper roses instead of using a florist, and I've been using a hot glue gun. I've been burning myself off and on, like ya do, definitely nothing terrible. Like I said, I'm really careless, so I'm used to burning myself occasionally.

Tonight, I was extra-careless and managed to get a second degree burn on the tip of my left index finger. It's tiny, but super painful and blistered nearly immediately. No more flowers for tonight!

Re: First wedding injury

  • Hot glue man, it'll get you.

    I've been working on a craft project that involved attaching crayons to a metal thingy with hot glue. I burnt the tips of at least two fingers. Oopsies.
  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    kmmssg said:
    Ouch!  I think there was an article on the internet that said drinking wine will help a burnt left index finger.  Have you tried that?  If it is on the internet it has to be true.  Bonjour!!
    We don't have any wine, but I checked the internet and it said that hard cider would make a good substitute!
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • Ouch! I'm extremely accident prone and burn myself all the time. Try using the Burt's Bess burn ointment, that helps a lot.
  • Aloe vera is really good for burns. Especially if you have a plant and can get the pure good stuff straight from it.
  • Ouch! I agree with PP - aloe helps, but even if all you can get is aloe gel, it's better than a hug and a kiss.
  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    SO much less painful today! I applied alcohol orally last night, which helped.

    Why is it that TINY LITTLE burns hurt SO MUCH?
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • phira said:
    SO much less painful today! I applied alcohol orally last night, which helped.

    Why is it that TINY LITTLE burns hurt SO MUCH?

    Glad to hear the hard cider helped.   You should publish a paper on the internet about that.  I have no idea why tiny burns hurt so freaking much but they do.  I hate those burns.
  • This is exactly what happened to me! I have a few small burns that are hurting today. We're making flowers out of old book pages, how about you?
  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @Jstump2 That's awesome! Are you using random book pages, or are your selections meaningful for you?

    I'm a former classical musician, and my partner J has several novels in the works, so we're photocopying/printing music and his novels. It's been really fun, honestly. I'm an artsy-craftsy person (I went to an arts camp when I was younger), so while I'm entirely aware that it would be less time consuming to hire a florist, I actually find it easier and less stressful to make all the flowers in advance.

    What kind of flowers are you making? We're making these:

    One of my bridesmaid bouquets (text is from one of her favorite books):
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @phira ohh those are pretty! I'm using a giant old dictionary we picked up at a garage sale. I thought about using books that I love but I couldn't bear the thought of cutting them up (even old copies/ones that aren't mine. lol) The photo-copying sounds like an awesome idea though.

    Me and FI both love to read and I was a magazine journalism major in college.

    These are the ones we're making we're using them for our centerpieces. Two books stacked with a lantern on top and the flowers scattered around them!

  • I've heard hot glue can be a very painful burn. Never used it but I've burned myself with curling irons and even a soldering iron in high school. The soldering iron was not fun. I now have a nice scar on the middle knuckle of my left middle finger from it.

    Your bouquet ideas seem awesome. I wish I was crafty like that but I am not at all.
    Formerly known as bubbles053009

  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @Jstump2 Those are awesome looking! Great idea using some fabric along with the flowers. I'm actually REALLY shocked by how many flowers I need per centerpiece. We're going to IKEA for bud vases because any vases with wider openings need SO many more flowers than we can afford to make. Like, I'm talking 100 flowers per centerpiece instead of 10-15.

    @lightningsnow The hot glue gun has warnings all over it, and I've definitely been burning myself all over the place for the past few weeks. It's not so bad when I just get a bit of very hot glue on me, but I'm pretty sure I actually touched hot glue + the hot metal tip of the gun last night.

    I do burn myself all the time, though. Hair iron, boiling water from making pasta, etc. One time in chemistry lab almost 10 years ago, I touched the bottom of a crucible to see if it was still hot. My friend and former lab partner is still laughing.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @phira I'm a natural born klutz. The amount of accidents I have had should be in the book of records or something. Needless to say, burning oneself with a soldering iron is up at the top of the list of worst accidents. Especially since where the burn happened wasn't like it just slipped. I honestly don't know what the hell I was thinking when it happened.

    My BF tries not to laugh when I happen to hurt myself during the craziest things but he just can't stop himself.
    Formerly known as bubbles053009

  • @Jstump2 Do you have a tutorial for those flowers or are you just winging it? That's exactly what I have in mind for my bouquet with letters from loved ones, book pages, love songs, etc but I don't know where to start. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @jenbaer16 I can't find the original tutorial I used but this is pretty close:


    Hope that helps, good luck!

  • After an unfortunate incident with one of those sizzling skillets they bring you at Chinese restaurants, I discovered this:

    Best stuff ever.  Buy some and keep it around for future mishaps.
  • Thank you! It definitely helps. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I burn myself 1-2x/day with a hot glue gun. I've been making these and am an incredible klutz.

    Wine, hard cider, and my stash of dark chocolate that's hidden in the freezer all help. FI and I have agreed that the chocolate is better than a bag of frozen peas.
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