
wedding nightmares

Hi Ladies-

I still have 5 months to go before the big day, but occasionally get those wedding nightmares where everything that could go wrong, does.  My latest dream was that the dress I ordered, was not the dress that was ordered!  My dress isn't in yet either but I'm confident in the bridal shop I picked. 

Have any of you had wedding nightmares?

Re: wedding nightmares

  • edited December 2011
    I always used to have a nightmare that my hair stylist moved to another salon and didn't tell me and the salon she moved from would not give me the info to where she went.

    Well, this sort of happened. My stylist did recently leave her old salon for a new one and did not tell me. I got lucky though, because my best friend also goes to her and she got a notification in the mail. I guess I did not get a notification, because the salon had my old address.
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    FU IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • jberg134jberg134 member
    edited December 2011
    I haven't, but my mom said she is having dreams about my venue coordinater leaving her job and the arrangements not being honored.
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  • edited December 2011
    I always have one where it's the wedding day and almost NOTHING is done (even the things I've already taken care of!) The invites haven't gone out and I'm panicking because no one's coming and I don't have a dress, my hair isn't done or anything and we need to meet the reception halls minimums! In the dream I always say "I thought it was NEXT year!"
  • msteph82msteph82 member
    edited December 2011
    I had a dream that all my bridesmaids showed up in big pink floofy dresses and my dress was red. 

    I think wedding nightmares are the norm at this time.  We have just under 4 months to go and they're in full force now.
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  • edited December 2011
    I had a dream that my dress wasn't going to be in until a month after my wedding. Thank goodness I know that's not going to happen because it is in and I am supposed to pick it up on Wednesday!
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  • BnTBnT
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I have dreams where I'm at a random venue and my photographer missed the ceremony and so we have to do it over again later during the reception, and it's all messed up. And I still have 9 months to go!
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