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Divergent movie (spoilers)

Just copying and pasting what I said about the Divergent movie in the weekend thread to here to avoid ruining it for people... 

Honestly, I didn't love it. I thought the special effects sucked, the fight scenes were boring, and the setting/buildings/background was lame. I don't think I like Shailene Woodley as Tris. Four was really fun to look at for the 2.5 hours, though. There were things that were changed and cut out which I guess I understand has to happen with books to movies but it was still annoying. The friend that I went with hasn't read the books and she liked the movie a lot. 

I was actually ok with Caleb but I expected Tori to be WAY more badass and ragey than she was in the movie. She was like a timid little sheep! 

Re: Divergent movie (spoilers)

  • I haven't seen it (and probably won't until it's at Redbox) but I'm very torn about the Shailene Woodley situation - I love/hate her too much as Amy in Secret Life.  And I love Tris...but I just don't think they're the same person and I'm having a hard time reconciling this confusion in my brain.

    I also thought Tori was pretty badass in the books.

    I'm still excited they made it a movie, though. 
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • @TwoDimes she basically started off as a perfect but pregnant version of a high school me (nerd that plays French horn) and then she turned into a whiny teenager mother.  HOW DOES THAT COMPUTE TO TRIS!!??

    Her new haircut is pretty sweet though.
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • I never watched her show (which is shocking since I watch EVERY OTHER ABC Family show) and I didn't see the Descendants so this was pretty much my first time experiencing her. 

  • @Blue & white I used to love/hate A Secret Life too...
    I had a hard tim imagining her as Tris. Life is pretty busy, I probably won't have time to make it to the theater while it is out. So I'll just wait for it to come out on netflix.


  • @swazzle haha, I love ABC family.  I think Secret Life was my first addiction there.  Twisted is currently winning the polls in my brain though.
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited March 2014
    @Blue - For me: Pretty Little Liars, The Fosters, Switched at Birth, and Twisted. I even gave Ravenswood a chance but I'm glad it got cancelled because 1) it sucked and 2) I need Caleb back on PLL immediately. 

    ETA: I also used to watch Make It or Break It and the Lying Game which I LOVED but they cancelled :(

  • That is disappointing to hear, although not really unexpected. I'm not a fan of Shailene Woodley and when they cast her it made me think they didn't really care about trying to make the movie true to the books. Nothing about her says Tris to me, plus she was HORRIBLE in Secret Life.

  • I haven't seen the movie but came here to cheat to see if I should see it.  What I'm gathering:  wait for the movie to come to Redbox/Netflix/Amazon Prime AND read the darn books.

    I too watch a lot of ABC Family (I watch WAY too much TV) - I watched Secret Life when it was on (That's why from the commercials I didn't think Shailene was a strong enough actress to carry the part), Pretty Little Liars, Switched at Birth.  I also watched Ravenswood, Make It or Break It, and Lying Game (I would have liked a little closure to Ravenswood (even though it wasn't the greatest) and Lying Game).

  • I'm probably going to go see the movie either this weekend or next. I read divergent and insurgent, and I pictured the girl from kick-ass, Chloe Moretz, every once in awhile. I'm not familiar with Shailene Woodley, so I'll have to wait and see for myself.
  • It's going to sound odd, but Shailene is too pretty to be Tris. Tris is supposed to be awkward, but also kick-ass awesome. I'm going to see the movie probably this upcoming weekend.

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  • @Kait - I agree that Shailene is too pretty to be Tris. She's also way too tall.

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