Not Engaged Yet

Another Monday

CLoGreenEyesCLoGreenEyes member
500 Love Its 1000 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper
edited March 2014 in Not Engaged Yet

Good morning, everybody! How were your weekends? What's happening this week?

Friday was a ridiculous day at work, so I came home, read a book, and went to bed EARLY.

Saturday I met up with a friend I haven't seen since before I started nursing school. It was so good to see him again. On Saturday night, a friend and I went to Naughty Bingo at my gym. It was HILARIOUS. Basically we played Bingo to win sex toys, some of which were terrifying - the grand prize was an electric saw like you would buy at the hardware store, and it had some very interesting attachments. It was a fun and entertaining evening.

Sunday I went to see my friend's sister in the lead at her high school play ("The Wiz"). Poor girl had a nasty cold, but she pulled it off, and the show was really good! Then my family went out for dinner to celebrate my brothers' birthdays. It was...not the best of family dinners; everybody was just in crappy moods and kept picking at each other. *Sigh* Then came home, studied a bit, watched TWD, and hung out with my brother for a bit.

I'm getting ready to drag myself to work now. This is gonna be a crazy week - extra shifts at work, clinical, and helping my friend with the last of her wedding crafting.

Re: Another Monday

  • We didn't do much this weekend since we blew a shit-ton of Monday last weekend for St. Paddy's Day. Friday night FI's parents took us out to dinner after a funeral showing we all went to.

    On Saturday I spent the morning cleaning the apt while FI was at his band's rehearsal.  When he got back we ran around getting a few things for the wedding. Saturday evening we stayed in and watched movies.

    On Sunday we went to church, came home and napped for awhile and started a HIMYM marathon thanks to Netflix. Last night I decided to try on my wedding dress again with the sash I just finished...I bet I was in my dress for over a half an hour. I didn't want to take it off! :(

  • Exhausted doesn't begin to describe how tired I am this morning.

    We landed around 10:00 last night in ATL and we got home at midnight. I'm thisclose to laying my head on my desk and taking a nap for the rest of the day.

    Besides being super exhausted this morning, we had a blast this weekend! I now know what love bugs are lol. I also got some sun which I'm super excited about since I was the color of paper before we left.

    The Braves won both of their games and the weather the perfect. I want to go on another vacation now!
  • Fri - FI had poker so I stayed home watched a little TV and played on the PC for a bit.

    Sat - Nessie went to her annual vet appointment (she as fussier than normal, she's normally the most laid back dog ever).  Loki got his nails trimmed.  We came home dropped the pups off, went to lunch and then the Cleveland Zoo for a few hours.  It was good to be outside.  The lions were super active, usually I only see them laying down (the grizzly bears also were having a good ol' time playing with a tree stump).

    Sun - <vent> had to do some general running around for FI.  I wanted to sit home and do nothing but FI's brother is super lazy and cannot help out around the house AT ALL, so we had to do the running around.  I'm just sick of FI's brother to be honest, the guy lives in FI's house, doesn't help out with ANY of the housework, the only thing he covers is TV/Internet/Phone (all on the same bill) because he wants the fastest internet and ALL the TV channels and FI wasn't going to pay for the top tier.  I understand that FI's brother was having a hard time and moved in with FI so he could get all caught up on his loans and be debt free.  He makes really good money and just has no ambition.  He's in for a rude awakening with FI moves out and he has to start covering bills and do his own laundry and grocery shopping and well living like the mid-30-year-old-adult-he-is.  </vent>

    Hmm - thinking about taking Friday off just to catch up on life.  I'm behind on my TV shows, my bathroom hasn't been cleaned in - well I'm too embarrassed to say. . . my floors are icky and gross, I can no longer see my table under all the mail I'm behind at looking at and my kitchen counter is filled with small appliances that I need to put away.  I really would like 2 days off, but that's not going to happen.

  • Blue & WhiteBlue & White member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited March 2014
    @southernpeach89 love/hate that you were introduced to love bugs. Next time you come to Florida you're getting introduced to me lol.

    We finished up a lot of wedding crafts this weekend. I think we mainly just have the cake topper and escort cards left. still have about 20 delinquent RSVPers but our RSVP date was Saturday so we are giving them a few days to get here before calling.

    Saturday night I didnt sleep much at all cause my other ear was hurting. Went to the doc yesterday after being in pain all day and surprise surprise I managed to get another ear infection while on antibiotics for the first. Lame. Hoping these steroid and antibiotic drops kill it once and for all.

    This week is spring break where I sub so I'm gonna be working on some wedding stuff. And resting. And keeping tabs on my online classes who do not have spring break this week
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • Ugh, my cold kicked my ass all weekend long. I took half of Friday off because I was not functional, even on meds. I'm feeling some better this morning, better enough to work at least.

    Saturday and Sunday BF and I started putting together our information to make an offer on the house we saw last week. My uncle went with BF to look at it again on Friday; he's really handy and does his own remodeling, so he'd know what to look for in a place. He couldn't find any problems with it. I'm not helping BF because I'm scared about ending up "house poor" even though no matter how many times we crunch the numbers we come out okay every month. I'm just super-jumpy - it's our first major purchase together (I mean, what do you buy that's really bigger than a house?) and I'm not used to considering money in those amounts.
  • Morning! I am tired today :(

    Friday was uneventful. I walked a few miles then watched some TV. 

    Saturday H had off for once! He usually works Saturdays so this was a treat :) We slept in and then I had a wax appointment and we did some shopping. I got a new dress, necklace, and Havaianas from Macy's; a dress, 2 skirts, 2 tees, and a few tanks from Old Navy; and 2 pairs of sandals from Marshall's. 

    Saturday night, H and I went to dinner and then the Devils game with friends. We lost and I drank too much :( 

    Yesterday, I was incredibly lazy. H and I got fully caught up on our DVR and then had another Devils game last night (we won!). 

  • edited March 2014

    I"m real tired and I have a cold so I'm not in a good mood today. 

    My show opened on Friday, FI came, it went well. I had three shows this weekend, performing sick is NOT fun.  The shows went well but we had small audiences which is a bit disppointing, We still have two more weekends so I hope they get better.  Saturday we ran a bunch of errands, I had another show. Sunday afternoon I had a show then came home did some laundry made one of my favorite crock pot meals and then relaxed with some Walking Dead. I also made major headway in putting the invitations together too! Yay.

    Now it's Monday.  I have the dentist after work and I am dreading it.  I hate the dentist so much.


    ETA for spelling


  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers

    Friday night I met a friend for a lady date. We had pho and then went to a little Vietnamese bakery right next to the restaurant and shared an amazing donut filled with red bean and sweet rice. It was so so bad but it tasted so good!

    Saturday I met another friend who is part of a running group. These women are all super hardcore runners and had planned to do 8 to 10 miles each. I told then I'd do 2 and turn around and walk back since Cinders and I were just starting out and hadn't been running regularly. Another woman and her dog turned around with us and were running back so we ended up running with them and did a total of 4 miles running! I haven't ran that much distance since last summer and I couldn't believe i actually made it! That night I helped the same friend decorate votive candle holders for her centerpieces. A bunch of other girls came over and we shared pizza and wine and snacks. I wanted to stay on and hang out with them but another friend had planned her birthday party for the same night so I had to leave around 8:30 to go meet up with her. FI and I went and stayed maybe an hour. She had invited another person who I just do not like at all. I think she's obnoxious and a massive attention whore and show off and she just rubs me the wrong way. We stayed for maybe an hour and left when this friend of my BFF decided to start showing everyone belly dancing "moves" in the middle of the restaurant.

    Sunday was supposed to be a super crappy day that ended up turning into a sunny, warm, absolutely gorgeous day! FI and I took Cinders for a long walk and then we went home and spent the next 6 hours doing yard work. We cut down a tree that was growing in to the power line that feeds our house, pulled weeds, raked the lawn, lined a planter box area on the side of the house with bricks, and then FI helped our neighbors tear down a section of their fence that abutts our yard because they want to relevel the yard and rebuild the fence. We're both absolutely 100% exhausted today.

  • @keptinstitches, whoooooo for putting in an offer! I'm so excited for you! I'm sure buying a house is scary, but what a fun and awesome thing to do together!

    @peaseblossom55, glad the show went well!
  • @TwoDimes, I won a whole lotta nothing! Just played bingo, had some drinks and snacks, and had fun with some friends. I'm trying to think what other prizes there were that people won. Sexy outfits, some edible body paint, and other relatively normal stuff. Then there were things like the saw, and something called a sex pogo stick that looked very complicated and dangerous.

    I swear I'm not a freak, y'all. 0:) I personally was the most jazzed by the cupcakes they were selling (raspberry cheesecake, YUM!). But the whole thing was very entertaining and, um, educational.
  • Can't edit my paragraph on mobile, but what movie did you and your mom see, TwoDimes?
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @KeptInStitches Good luck on your offer! That was probably the most stressful part for me. Making the offer, having it accepted, and then going through the due diligence phase where we had everythiing checked out by a home inspector. I was convinced he'd find something that would be a major problem and we'd have to walk away from buying the house.

  • @TwoDimes, I am so out of touch I don't even know who is in that movie. But anyway, every now and then watching a horrible movie purely for laughs is necessary! Glad you had such a chill weekend. :)
  • I had a fun weekend with my sister :)

    She came down on Friday - we just made dinner, drank some beers, played Scattergories, and hung out.

    Saturday, we got up, BF made us breakfast, and then I had to go to work. She came with me, even though she's not a big sports fan, and hung out in the press box while I scored our lacrosse game. We went home, made homemade pizza (because I make the BEST pizza), and then went & got our sister tattoos! 


    Mine is on the inside of my right bicep and hers is on the inside of her left wrist, on the side of her arm. Feb. 2, 2011 is the day we officially met. 

    Yesterday, we got up & went to breakfast at the diner down the street, and then she headed back to Maine. BF & I hung out on the couch for the rest of the day, and I napped a little bit. We watched Resurrection (if it turns out to be an alien show, I'm going to be mad), and then I went to bed. 

    It was a LOVELY weekend :)


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Yaaaaaawwwwn! I'm definitely on the tired train with the rest of y'all. So glad that Monday's are only half days - from home - for me, b/c I always seem to be dragging my ass at the beginning of the week. 

    Highlight of our weekend was taking future SS to go indoor skydiving. Coolest.thing.EVER!

    This week is a short one as my Ma comes into town tomorrow, I'm off on Wednesday, and then we leave on Thursday for Montana for the one & only visit to the lake before the wedding in July. Lots of vendor appointments (including cake tasting. yay!!), so fingers crossed for a productive weekend!
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  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    Hi, Monday, you asshole of a day, you!

    My weekend was okay. Friday night, worked super late and went to Whole Foods on my way home because I knew I wasn't up to cooking dinner. Stayed up a little too late, so waking up Saturday morning was rough. Cake tasting went well, and we also made it to IKEA for bud vases (fasted IKEA trip ever; we were in and out in about 25 minutes, including parking). I was supposed to go into work Saturday night, but after I walked back into the apartment, I seriously just fell asleep. So I worked last night instead.

    Today, I have to very very very quickly work on my presentation because I'm meeting with my PI at 2pm and it has to be way better than it was last week. Oops.

    Cake tasting by the way: SPICE CAKE FOREVER. Also, I did not know about rolled chocolate (which two of the three places now use instead of fondant) and it is the greatest thing ever.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @phira, how did you get out of IKEA that fast? Every time I've gone to IKEA it's at least an hour just to navigate the damn store.
  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @KeptInStitches The only thing we did was buy 27 bud vases, and I've been to our local IKEA enough to know exactly where the vases are (maybe it's the same at every IKEA though?). Went inside, and instead of going to to the showrooms, we went to the registers and went "inside" the self-service area (where you get all your delicious flat-packed furniture). The last room of the marketplace, right before the self-service area, is the area with plants and fake flowers and vases, so we loaded up a plastic IKEA bag with the vases and walked back to the regsiters. Waiting in line took longer than getting to the vases and loading them up, or even wrapping them with paper after we bought them.

    And now I have a blue IKEA bag filled with paper-wrapped vases in my living room.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • I came down with a sinus infection and bronchitis this weekend, yay. 

    Friday night we had our Spanish get-together.  H and I cleaned the house and got everything ready for that.

    Saturday I woke up early, did the grocery shopping, and then went shopping (Homegoods, Target, Ross) and had lunch with my mom, then ran a few errands with H (Tractor Supply, Home Depot, Dollar Store).  then we ordered pizza and I crashed.  luckily, that night I did manage to prep for our stew on Sunday (do all the chopping).

    I haven't done anything since Saturday, except Sunday morning I threw everything in the pot for stew and got some bread going on the bread-maker.  besides that, I've been whining and sleeping (or not sleeping).  I took something around midnight last night that finally got me to sleep, so that was great.  I am home today.  I was supposed to have a massage tonight but I canceled it.  hopefully she can fit me in next Monday.
  • @CocoBellaF, I'm sorry you feel so yucky! I believe in the healing powers of homemade comfort food, so hopefully your stew and bread, which sound heavenly, will help a lot.
  • Hi ladies!

    I had a super lazy weekend and spent most of it on my couch with Netflix. I haven't been feeling so hot so the couch time was needed.  

    H was in OH without me:(. I wasn't able to take work of Friday or today because it's end of quarter.:( And as of last night, I'm officially married to a Hall Of Famer.  H was inducted in to his HS Hall of Fame for baseball.  So proud of him.  He's very humble about it and doesn't think he deserves it because two of the other guys played pro ball, but he was clearly chosen for a reason.  So I'm telling everyone because he isn't.  Ha!

    Now I just need to get through the rest of this week!  The last five days of the quarter may break me!  Yikes.  I will be so happy when Friday gets here.  Between now and then I'm deciding whether or not I just take all off or just a couple days.  I'm currently leaning towards the whole week:)
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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