So a few hrs ago, I realized that the outdoor ceremony will not fit all of my guests. When my fiance a I first booked our venue last July they told us the outdoor only held 100 people and they could provide us with few more chairs if possible. We started off with 120 guests and the venue planner told us that chances are the 20 people wont show. Here I am not with 150 guests and I feel like a complete idiot because I realized that it is over the ceremony limit. The reception area is fine I made sure not to go over that limit. But why was I not thinking? How did I miss this? I don't want people standing. The wedding is August 30th in Chicago and it will be hot. So far I have been planning this wedding on my own. My fiance travels every other week for work and all of my friends and family live in Chicago while I'm here in MI working on my Masters. It doesn't help that everyone and everything I know is 5hrs away. I called the venue, told them my dilemma and asked if they only provided 100 chairs or if the area only allows for 100 chair (see the difference?) because I will definitely rent more chairs. Unfortunately they told me to call tomorrow when the manager is in. If not, I found a local park district 10 min away from the venue that has tons of space, they have my date available, and it is actually cheaper. Is it worth it to book the park district for the ceremony? I'm sure 150 wont show, so is it okay that people stand? I really don't like that idea. Sorry for venting, but I have a huge exam tomorrow and this is just added on stress. I spend study time called family members, my fiance, and other venues.