*finishes giggling*
So I wanted to share something my hair stylist posted on FB today! She is one of those DREADED PPD pretending-to-be-a-bride wives. She got legally married at the courthouse back in August! Has been using his last name! Filing for taxes as married (we chat when getting my hair done)! And today she posted this gem:
Thank you all for a wonderful bridal shower this weekend! One month from today, I will get to go to Jamaica and marry my best friend! I'm a super happy bride today!
Uh..... Fuck no.
And I'm crazy enough to keep my mouth shut.
Comment away!
Also, we had our first Pre-marital Counseling today! I've posted before about my frustrating FMIL. Well our minister reviewed the stressors in our life and noted that I put "inlaws" down. He said "well well we have something to discuss now because FI also put his parents down as a stressor". Cue 30 minute discussion about FI needing to draw boundaries with this psycho woman. Lol I enjoyed it a lot. It was good for FI to hear from someone else that his mother has the potential, if unchecked, to cause strife in our marriage and that he is the only one who can control it. He was very receptive and agreed wholeheartedly that boundaries needed to be set.
But we really enjoyed our first session! Can't wait for the next one!
We also started "moving" plans - setting our move out dates and booking a moving company to move all our crap! So excited!
How was your hump day? Mine is over now because FI fell asleep on the couch.