Not Engaged Yet


Thank goodness it's Friday!! It's been a long week. Work has been crazy. We don't have a game this weekend, but I think we are going to Tampa to see the game that decides who will play us next week in the next round of playoffs.

My dad was supposed to be here this weekend, but his gf has pneumonia so the trip got canceled. I'm very sad about this.

Maybe while we are in Tampa I might try to meet up with my best friend and her hubby and my nephew.

What do you ladies have planned??

Re: Weekend

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    Tonight, I'm going to get a manicure and then I have a ton of shows to catch up on from this week. 

    Tomorrow, H and I have to leave around noon for my cousin's (on my dad's side) wedding in Philly. The (Catholic) ceremony is at 2:30 and the reception is at 6. Sigh. Our plan is to go straight to the ceremony from home, then go to our hotel and check in before going to the reception. I'm excited to see my family and I know the ceremony will be beautiful and the reception will be a blast, I just hate gaps!

    Sunday, is my cousin's (on my mom's side) bridal shower, also in Philly (yay for convenience!). H is going to have to find something to do with himself while I'm there and then we'll head home afterwards. 

    The season finale of The Walking Dead is Sunday night and I'M SO NERVOUS. Anyone else?

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     TGIF. This has been one of the longest weeks of my life. Tonight after work I am meeting one of my best friends and bridesmaid at an Irish pub for dinner and drinks. My mom was admitted into the hospital last night so if she isnt released this evening, I will go see her.

    Saturday I will probably go get my nails done with my FMIL since our engagement photos are NEXT WEEKEND! I'm not sure what else we have planned for Saturday. I'd like to get our center pieces put together so we can paint them eventually.

    On Sunday I will head to my hometown with FI to see my family. I miss my nephew like crazy even though its only been 2 weeks since i've seen him. Hopefully my mom will be home by then.
  • @IrishDreamer - I'm sorry your dad can't visit this weekend. Were you able to reschedule?

    @hummingbird125 - I still vote you come to JC and ride with me to the airport! I'm going to try to get there at like.... 11? so we have bar time before our flight :)

  • @severmilli12 - I hope your mom is ok! What are you wearing for your e-pics?

  • @Hummingbird125 - YAY!!  paychecks are great!

    I am still getting over whatever sickness I've had since last Saturday.  I feel very "buzzy" in my head.  H and I were going to check out the new food trucks, but I may not be up to it.  I'm feeling better than I was, but not nearly like normal.

    can I just complain/vent for a minute?  I know I've talked about my boss here before.  I had requested training to get a certification to do something besides programming.  my boss knows I don't want to do programming.  I am still at an entry-level position after 5 years and she is sitting on my papers to get advanced to the next level (even though I perform at 2 levels above where I'm currently sitting).  anyway, she denied me the training to get the certification to become a technical liason instead of just a technical programer.  I am beyond devastated.  this is the only way that I can get this training, but since a programmer doesn't need this training (NO DUH LADY) then she won't approve it.

    I'm going to get up the strength to fight it, but right now I am just crying at my desk.  I hate my job, I hate my boss, I hate programming, and I really thought that I'd have a chance to get out with this certification and into something I'd like.  I can't really transfer out until I get my promotion because I'm still at entry level after 5 years, and that's unacceptable.

    I am just, ugh.  ugh ugh ugh.  I need a hug.  I need to quit crying before anyone else comes in.

    tomorrow I'm having lunch with H's cousin's GF.  she's really nice and I'm excited for girl time.  they are going to get engaged later this year (H's cousin is ready to propose now, but she wants to graduate college and get into a master's program first, good for her!!!) and so we already count each other as "primas" (cousins).

  • Tonight after CrossFit H is taking me to Marlow's Tavern for dinner. I love this restaurant, everything I've had there is so yummy! I kind of want to see a movie afterwards but movies are expensive so maybe we will just rent one from Red Box.

    Saturday H may be going to SC since he is Spring Break next week. He is helping his uncle campaign for Probate Judge. While he is there I plan to deep clean our apartment. 

    Sunday is church and then the rest of the day will be spent doing nothing. I think the weather is supposed to be nice so maybe we will go to the park. 
  • @IrishDreamer, I'm sorry your dad's visit got cancelled. :(

    @Hummingbird125, happy payday! Ahhh, payday is my favorite holiday. There's something magical about it even if you're still broke afterward. ;)

    @servermilli12, hope your mom is doing OK!

    I'm not too-too excited that it's Friday since I'm working all weekend. *Eyeroll* But today should be good. I'm bumming around doing school stuff, then one of the nurses on my employer's pediatrics team is taking me on a home visit this afternoon so I can see what she does. Then tonight my friend is having her celebration of 18 years sober, so I am going to that (and making more cheesecake brownies for the occasion, YUM). She also has a friend there she thought I might be compatible with, so I will be meeting him tonight as well, which is fun.

    Saturday and Sunday I work 8:30-9, which makes me sad. And yes, @swazzle, I have concerns about TWD! This Terminus place has bad news written all over it.

  • @CocoBellaF, I'm sorry your boss isn't being helpful! That is ridiculous; after five years and your stellar performance, you would think she'd be willing to help you advance into something you would actually enjoy doing. *hugs* Hopefully there will be other opportunities after this one that you can take advantage of; that is so frustrating.
  • lmcooper86lmcooper86 member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited March 2014

    Is it 4:00 yet? I am already about 43% done with today and it's only just starting...

    Today BF is picking me up early from work and we are going to see one of my best friends and her hubby and 5 month old. She's been in Florida for most of the month (yay for maternity leave!) so I've missed her and BF still hasn't met her and it's just getting ridiculous! We're grabbing dinner and probably watching the hockey game.

    Tomorrow BF has hockey and I have some cleaning to do at my apartment, and then I think he wants to go shopping; he's got a couple of gift cards burning a hole in his pocket. Tomorrow night is the house warming party of another of best friends, so that should be fun.

    Sunday is church x2 and probably lunch with BF's family. I think the weather might be borderline nice this weekend, so hopefully we can spend a bit of time outside too!

    (ETF spacing)



    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @IrishDreamer, I'm sorry your dad can't visit.

    @severmilli12, I hope your mom is ok!

    Tonight BF and I have gaming. Before we go over there, we're detouring by the arts and music department on campus so I can audition to play for funerals. My friend did say he'd take me unheard and trust that I can play, but then if I'm not what he expects, it'll reflect badly on him with his boss. Other than that, I'm working on three scarves this weekend, so it would be nice to finish one up tonight.

    Tomorrow BF has gaming with my BFF, so I'll get to "hang out" with her via Skype while they play. It'll also be a chance for me to work on the scarves and knock things out of my Netflix queue. I'm down to 85 things in my queue between TV shows and movies, which is the lowest it's been in 3 years.

    Sunday is open. BF specifically asked me last night if we had anything planned for Sunday, which fed my BSC and now I'm convincing myself that there's no way the ring is already here and he's planned something. Especially when he ordered it the 15th and he didn't rush the shipping. Right?
  • @CocoBellaF - Oh no, I'm so sorry :( Did she give you ANY sort of reasoning for this at all?

    @CLoGreenEyes - I can't wait to watch. I have very mixed emotions about this part of the season. Also, I know everyone is saying Terminus is definitely bad because Terminus = Terminal/Terminate BUT did you know that Terminus is the first name for Atlanta? I don't know that that necessarily means anything and I'm totally scared of Terminus myself but I thought that little tidbit was interesting.

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers

    @Hummingbird125 Yay for your first paycheck at your new job!!

    @CocoBellaF I'm sorry your boss is being so uncooperative. Sometimes I feel like when you're a really valued employee and doing so much more than what your "on-paper" level requires then your supervisor is tempted to keep you there just for the sake of your experience. FI had to get permission from his former boss to get a promotion and move to dayshift. It was so frustrating but eventually his old boss gave it to him. Before that FI had been told multiple times by this guy that he was being promoted to senior staff but his boss kept pushing it back or blowing off doing the paperwork.

    It's the end of the quarter for me so work is pretty crazy right now. We have something like 20 orders for services, consulting, etc. that need to be executed before midnight on Monday so I'm super stressed. I'll probably be logging in to my computer several times over the course of the weekend and spend all of Monday night logged in ensuring that all of our orders get signed by the client and us.

    Tomorrow FI and I are meeting some friends for amazing sushi! We probably won't walk out of this place without spending around $150 but it will be so worth it! Sunday we don't have any plans. I'll try to get a run in with the dog and clean the house.

  • Thanks ladies!! I'm really upset and I'm trying not to be a raging bitch because I probably would've done the same thing in his place, but fucking hell, I miss my dad. It's been a year and a half since I've seen him.

    @swazzle - no, it hasn't been rescheduled yet, and I don't know if it will because my brothers wedding is in August and I will probably be going up for that.

    @coco, sending Stabby unicorns to your boss and big snuggle Rottweiler puppy hugs to you!!
  • @swazzle, oh my god I'm so nervous about the finale!!!! All I know is if anything happens to Darryl I disown the show
  • ShallowSeasShallowSeas member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited March 2014
    @TwoDimes, @KeptinStitches, @CLoGreenEyes Thanks. She had an MRI and Cat Scan last night so we should know more when they get the results back :\

    @Swazzle, we're doing our photos in a pub and at a park so we decided to go casual. I think I'm wearing my crocheted TOMS with jeans and this cream shirt that matches my TOMS
  • @swazzle I'm excited and nervous for The Walking Dead on Sunday!!

    I woke up this morning and the cabinets were all finished!!! They look so awesome! Next step is new counter tops and a new sink.  Not sure when that is happening. I thought possibly this weekend but I don't know. Tonight I have another show of Our Town.  Saturday afternoon we are meeting FI's parents for lunch at a possible rehearsal dinner venue. Then I have another show Saturday night and another show Sunday afternoon. 

    The rest of Sunday will be spent hopefully working on invitations and watching Walking Dead.  I am almost done with putting together the invitations!!!


  • We're going to see spamalot tonight at a local theatre. I'm pretty psyched and just imagine @peaseblossom55 is there but like her Florida version?! Lol

    Today is a few more wedding chores. we should be done by the end of the weekend hopefully
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • @Blue have fun at Spamalot! I saw it last month at a local dinner theatre and was surprised ay how much I enjoyed it (not usually much for British humor).

    @Swazzle, I didn't know that little factoid! Doesn't change my opinion, though, lol. That creepy Mary lady kind of convinced me that something is weird about that place.
  • @Blue have fun seeing Spamalot!  It's such a good show. :-) I wish I were in that show!


  • Today/Tonight - I took today off to clean - so far I've showered, fed the cats, fed the dogs, fed myself, put 1 load of laundry in and played online.  My goals - Clean Kitchen, Clean bathroom, Clean Towels (human and dog), Clean Floors.  I'm also hoping to have a little TV break in there and catch up on a couple of shows, we'll see what all I get done (ankle is bothering me so I might not get as much as I planned).

    Tonight I'm making perogies (not homemade) and might see about going to Sam's club with FI to avoid going Sat or Sun.

    Saturday - No Idea - hoping to sit home on my lazy ass and do nothing!

    Sunday - FI's brother has his birthday thing.  FI's family get together for all birthdays and special occasions.

    At some point I'll have to log in to my work and put in like 2-3 hours, but it's OK.

    @IrishDreamer - sorry your dad can't make it :(  

    @Swazzle - I totally forgot it's the season finale of Walking Dead - usually FI and I wait and watch it on Monday.  I think we'll have to watch it on Sunday.  I've found this season kind of awkward so far, but Sunday it all comes together.

    @Hummingbird125 - Aren't paychecks AWESOME (except Mr. Taxman taking quite a bit out, that part stinks).

    @severmill12 - Hope your mom is doing better.

    @CocoBellaF - I'm in the IT world too.  I have had 5 different jobs in my IT-Career-Life and 4 of them I had no previous experience when I was hired.  In most cases people are hired because of their personality and work ethic - the job itself they can teach to anybody who is willing to learn (for the most part).  If you lived closer, I'd tell you to apply to the software company I work for.

    @CLoGreenEyes - Just remember the girls here on the NEY make great taste-testers for any sweet treats you buy/make and offer up honest opinions!

    @KeptInStitches - all depends on where he ordered it from and if it was in stock.  Try not to get too excited though, just in case it was just an innocent question (though we are all hoping it wasn't).

    @TwoDimes - Sounds like an awesome weekend!!  Buy ALL The Shoes!!!

    @Blue - I LOVED Spamalot!!! Enjoy!

    @Swazzle & @IrishDreamer & @CLoGreenEyes - going to start a Walking Dead thread now

    @Souternpeach89 & @Imcooper86 & Imhollister - Enjoy your weekend!!

  • @Dignity100 - I work for the federal government.  it's totally different from the private industry, unfortunately!
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @Blue & White I LOVE Spamalot! FI and I saw them at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta a few years ago and it was hilarious! I hope you have a good time tonight!

  • @dignity100, I know it's not here yet. It's still being made. Though this morning he did offer to call the company and see if they could rush the pieces to me if I was that impatient. Really all BF was trying to do was sort out what we have scheduled for this weekend.

    @blue, have fun at Spamalot!
  • My bf is awesome..... He picked this up for me while he was running stuff to customers... I may have guilted him with the fact that I ran all the way home on lunch yesterday because he couldn't find his wallet..... Sorry I'm not sorry. :)
  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    @CocoBellaF I am so sorry that your boss is being the most assholish fucking asshole who ever assholed. I just don't even know what to do with people like that. I hope that you're able to go over her head with this because, well, fuck her. UGH.

    @IrishDreamer :( I was hoping that your dad would still visit. That's a huge bummer. Has he mentioned any sort of reschedule?

    I'm sleep deprived and totally out sorts right now. Was up late writing an abstract for seminar today (that no one will read, but for my own sake needs to not suck), and now I'm just anxiously looking at my powerpoint, wondering if I'll just completely blank on everything once I get up to the podium. Uuuugh!

    Weekend should be okay. J is home all weekend, and the apartment is sort of mostly clean. We just have to vacuum and clean the bathroom. I've given up on the office; it's a disaster zone.

    I will likely have to come into work both days this weekend, depending on how my cells are doing. 12 hour timepoints are the worst!
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • My weekend is fairly boring. 

    I'm working today & tomorrow afternoon, then BF & I are hanging out with friends tomorrow evening for dinner & a game night. Sunday we'll probably just hang out at home, do some grocery shopping & cleaning, the usual Sunday activities. 

    Why did I even bother posting? haha. 

    I'll get back to you after the weekend of April 5-6.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @Swazzle @CLoGreenEyes I am also really nervous about the finale. I feel like they really might leave us hanging with Beth. Also, @swazzle, I just found out that Atlanta was called Terminus because it's where 2 railroads met and ended. So, yea.

    I am so happy it's Friday. It hasn't been a particularly rough week but I just love Fridays so dang much. Currently my coworkers and I are jamming out to 80's and generally goofing off. I think lil Sous and I are going to happy hour later. Tomorrow we have to clean and then I want to knock one of the things off our Roomie Bucket List - I just looked at a calendar and realized we only have 9 weekends until she leaves :( Sunday we are going to see Bad Words with friends and then out for some Sunday Funday drinks. And then I will have heart palpatations until 9pm.

  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    GUYS J finally got a diagnosis, a month after he fell. Torn cartilage in his right ulna. Apparently, his ulna is longer than an average ulna (??), so it'll take longer to heal. If it's not better in 2 months (so, three months from the injury), he can go back for an injection (cortisone shot) or they'll have to do surgery. But they're optimistic that the tear will heal on its own, just slowly.

    It's a pretty definitive diagnosis; they can see the torn cartilage on the X-rays. Not sure why they couldn't see it on the same X-rays three weeks ago, but okay. Either way, we're just relieved to have a diagnosis so we know what's going on.

    aaand in 40 minutes I have to give seminar KILL ME.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
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