Chit Chat

Happy Friday!!! :-)

So freaking excited for this weekend!! FI and I are headed home to tackle a mountain of wedding to-do's.... PLUS Sunday is the bridal shower my mom is hosting. I could not be more pumped!! FI and I live 4 hours away from my parents, and have been saving up wedding tasks for the weekends we are in town. This is a fun weekend though! So far we have planned: tasting at the reception venue, hair/makeup trial, first dress fitting, mailing out invitations, and meetings with our band and our photographer. And Monday put us at exactly 2 months away from the wedding. More than anything, I'm just excited to see all my family and bridesmaids who are coming in for the shower and to celebrate with them. 5 o'clock- get here now!!

What fun things do you ladies have planned this weekend?

Re: Happy Friday!!! :-)

  • Sounds like a fun weekend of wedding stuff! The shower sounds like it will be lovely!

    FI and I have to finish moving into our house this weekend so wedding things will be taking a backseat. Tonight we're moving our bed and couch to the new place so it will be our first night sleeping there. It's going to be weird waking up in a new place tomorrow morning! In between cleaning the old apt and unpacking the new house, I have a birthday party to go to tomorrow for my best friend's daughter. She's turning 1 and just adorable so that should be a good time. FI has to work Sunday morning so I'll probably laze around the house or sleep in all by myself in the middle of the bed.

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