Chit Chat

Teacher Vent - gross way to end my week

MollyandDMollyandD member
500 Love Its 500 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper
edited March 2014 in Chit Chat
I am so glad it's Friday. I love my little 4th graders more than life, but I need this weekend bad.

I've dealt with my normal stresses, like my little angels swarming me while I'm in the middle of doing something or helping someone just to show me something they read. I have that student who feels the need to tell me every single thing he does (Ms. M, look at how I solved number 3!). But this week was just a little too much.

This week, my kids were extra hyper. I got called "a shut up," as if that's a thing. I saw a girl's library book on house cats (they are doing an animal report), and I asked her what animal she is working on. Her response was, "Peacocks." To top it all off, today, a boy gave me crap. Literally.

He brought his folder back, folders go home Thursdays and get signed and returned, and I noticed a terrible smell. On the back of the folder was dried feces. It looked like it had dried on the folder and then was scraped off. The juices leaked through and stained the papers inside the folder.

Ok, I get that accidents with animals happen. I'm hoping it was an animal, at least. I just don't understand why he had to give the accident to me.

Re: Teacher Vent - gross way to end my week

  • My sympathies. My vents are usually related to parents, administration, and my assistant. lol. I have never in my life seen a poop folder.
  • Yeah, I never thought that I'd be given poop on a folder. It's an interesting experience.
  • RWS2011RWS2011 member
    500 Comments 100 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited March 2014
    I am the parent of a 4th grader.  At conferences last Fall, in an effort to inform me just how much my daughter talks during the day, the teacher relayed an anecdote about how she tried to move another student between my kid and her friend.  My charmer just leaned over the middle child's desk and kept on chatting.

    The 4th and 5th graders at our school have been ramping up the crazy with the promise of Spring.  Are you noticing that at your school as well?

    Cheers to you for all the crap you deal with.  ;)


    Edited cause: derp.

  • Yep, I feel your pain. I had 9th graders so it was different-- can't say I ever was given crap. That one takes the cake. I'd ask the parents about it, but I'd be terrified they would know the back-story and decided to still turn in the poop folder.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • Oh man I'm sorry to hear that. Ughhhh. Hope you are having a big glass of wine!


  • They have been getting more excited as the weather is improving. I just wish they would calm down. And stop giving me poop.
  • Oh man I'm sorry to hear that. Ughhhh. Hope you are having a big glass of wine!
    I don't drink, so I did my version of relaxing. I took a long, hot bath. After being given feces, and I probably accidentally touched it, I took a bath hot enough to turn me red. If I did drink, this would be the time.
  • With the apple, it's hard to tell if that's a bribe or revenge. I wouldn't eat it.
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