May 2014 Weddings

woo hoo

Just got my first two RSVPs. And they accepted.So exciting.

Re: woo hoo

  • vmj23vmj23 member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Love Its 5 Answers

    Ever since mine started coming back I have been running out to the mailbox as soon as I came home!   They've slowed down now, which is disappointing, but so far all be one accepted (and I didn't expected the one that declined to come anyway)

  • I love getting those little envelopes in the mail. So far my side of the guest list has all RSVP'd and they've all been yeses. We've gotten a few from FI's side and they've all been yeses too. It's so exciting.

    I did get one RSVP from a friend of FI and I could see through the envelope that there was a note written in it and I thought for they were declining and wrote a reason why on it. It ended up just being a note about how beautiful the invitations were and they are coming. LOL I made myself nervous for a minute though.
  • LOL, we got a note too, but it was a congrats, I am so happy for you both. I'm kind of sad today is sunday and there is no mail. I hope I get some more tomorrow!
  • We are starting to get our RSVP's back. Only one has declined. My issue is the ones that hand delivered the RSVPs. Why did I take the time to put a stamp on the envelope if you just going to bring it back to me. Money wasted......ugggghhhhh
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We are starting to get our RSVP's back. Only one has declined. My issue is the ones that hand delivered the RSVPs. Why did I take the time to put a stamp on the envelope if you just going to bring it back to me. Money wasted......ugggghhhhh
    That is annoying, but at least they RSVPed. I can stand when people dont for parties, and I  have a feeling i will be even mor upset ifthey don't or the wedding!
  • I too have had a few hand it back to me.  It started to annoy me cause that is a stamp wasted that I could have used for my thank you notes, but then I realized that not getting a response would be worse.  I would rather they hand it to me, then me having to hunt them down.  Speaking of which, I have a lot of local friends that I have seen several times since sending out the invites, and I still haven't received their response...grr.
  • vmj23vmj23 member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Love Its 5 Answers

    My mom and fmil already told me they aren't returning theirs, because they want to save the full invitation..i told them to resuse the stamp.   And one that I got back, not through the mall but in the envelope i pulled the stamp off and glued it to a bill i was mailing out - i don't care how pretty it looks going to a company and stamp doesn't go to waste.    I'm just happy to get the responses, regardless of how they come!   I was getting so many back initially, sadly that has slowed way down so now i'm sure i'll have to wait until closer to the rsvp date for the last big wave to come in.

  • none today. Boo
  • RSVPs have been rolling in pretty steadily. So exciting!

    But, long story short, we decided just a couple of days ago to move after a much bigger/nicer apartment opened up in our building. We had to move fast on it because it's rare to have one of those apartments open up, but now our move date is 4/26, our wedding date is 5/24 and RSVPs will still be rolling in. REALLY hoping none of them get lost in the FWDing, even though it's the same building, an address switch was not exactly ideal for RSVPs!

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