I am one of those make-up challenged girls who goes with just some Mabelline blackest black falsies non-waterproof mascara and Alba coconut lime lip balm. I use a 3 step facial routine daily with extra hydrating/sensative skin products by clearasil, and have been using these products for a few years now. I do wear contacts, the same brand since I was a teen, and I've been using the Clear Care solution for a little over a year. Recently, over the past month or so, I have been getting super dry eyelids that like to flake and look kinda icky. I put Neosporin on them and it seems to help. I've tried not wearing my contacts for a few days, not wearing any make-up, not using the cleansing products...nothing is making this embarrassing dryness go away. Could it be as simple as I've just developed allergies and should start taking Zyrtec or something of the sort? That's really the only thing I haven't tried because I've never had seasonal type allergies before. Any make-up savvy ladies have suggestions?