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I'm Still Here So...HAPPY HUMP DAY!!!

Hey ladies for those of you who know my situation thank you for your kind words! You are all so sweet! Hope you are all having a wonderful week and don't worry it is almost over. So let's get giffy with it...


I have been throwing myself into my work this week...


or maybe just pretending.


My exes friends all still want to be my friend!


Hung out with two of them last weekend who told me he screwed up and I am the best thing that happened to I'm all:


My mom came in town and I got to have wine with her and her best friend yesterday


So I am doing pretty well considering.


So how are you all this week? :)

Re: I'm Still Here So...HAPPY HUMP DAY!!!

  • This week has just dragged on and on. I'm so ready for it to be over.

    On one hand, I'm pretty stoked because I'm the only person in the office, so I can have my 80's rock as loud as I'd like.


    And on the other hand,


    I've been really tired this week, and don't know why. I'm not getting less sleep than usual and I'm certainly not exerting myself at all.

    I convinced Fi to let me put 'guyliner' on him last night.


    And I am super sick of my job. So when my boss jumped on me this morning because I sent the wrong paperwork to a client-not by any fault of mine, mind you. I sent what he told me to send-I was just like,


    Because between them constantly dropping the N-word and talking about jacking off, getting fired would be the greatest gift of all.

    I can't bold on mobile...but seriously?! To your last statement. Don't you have hr you can report to? That's disgusting.

  • I'm glad that you're holding up well! I'm still half-asleep so this post will be sans gifs, but I'm giffing in my heart!

  • I am exhausted! Monday I was so swamped at work. I left the office so late, and I was so drained when I left.
    12 GIFs Of Adorable Animals Doing People Jobs

    Yesterday was not as busy, but I was SUPER exhausted. I mustered up as much energy as I could to go to my friend's house for some cheering up. We had snacks, wine, thai takeout, and just chilled. Although I was tired, I still had fun, and I'm glad I was able to get her mind off things (her dad recently passed away).

    Today, I am sooo tired still. And I misplaced my glasses at home so I'll be having a fun day.
    George Costanza Seinfeld animated GIF

    But it's hump day, and I can go home at a decent hour, and have a mini Madmen Season 6 marathon!!!

    And I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well!



  • I have to gifs to contribute at this time, but I'm glad you're sticking around @PolarBearFitz
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @polarbearfitz SO SO glad to hear your doing better and having a good week so far! Good to see you back here on TK too.

    Monday was a drag as always....


    Yesterday was a little more exciting as our work load is being divided..FINALLY!


    And today I have had my I am good so far! 


    Also, my RSVP's are rolling in. So exciting!! I try so hard not to run to my PO box everyday, and to let them accumulate so I will have lots of them at once!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Guyliner? As in eyeliner on a dude?


    Glad you're staying, PolarBear!

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Day 3 of little/no sleep. I'm starting to hallucinate things a little bit. And I'm doing pre-billing financials at work since we're now halfway through the production cycle. There is not enough coffee in the world to get me through this week.



  • Today and tomorrow are super busy for me.

    And everything keeps breaking..

    But then it will be Friday!!

    Friday evening I'm going shopping with a friend to get her some make-up to do a run through of her wedding for her make-up.

    And then it's my friend's bach party this weekend, and I'm so pumped!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Today is my favorite lunch in our cafeteria, so I'm stoked about that - build your own pasta bar and they cook it in front of you.  Gonna pig out and then work out later.


    Counting down the days until next week.  Have something awesome happening so it's hard to be patient and also keep quiet about it!  I can be quietly excited about it though.  :) 


  • I was texting an old college friend the other day and every question I asked him (like how's your wife) he would send me a link to a GIF. There was like 10 of them and he finally said "I'm sorry! I work in IT, I can't help but be obsessed with gifs!!" I said oh don't you dare apologize- I'm on a wedding planning wbsite strictly for the forums that are filled with gifs!! I even told him how when people go psycho bitch we bust out the puppies- he loved it hahahah



  • I'm glad you're still here! 

    I was sick Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. 


    Then I woke up this morning and felt a million times better. 


    Then, I remembered I have a baby shower this weekend. 


    And then I also remember that an ex-friend I very much dislike is going to be there. 


    And that's pretty much it so far. 

  • Yay for sticking around!

    This week... ugh.  Between the constant migraines (go away PLEASE), the nightmares of my class carrying on like banshees (oh wait, I'm living it during the day too... damn you, Spring!), one of my kids falling and hitting her the back of her head on a metal ladder today (blood- so scary, but just called home and she's okay!), and my gigantic, empty suitcase just sitting here staring at me, mocking me.... BUT, I will be in Italy on Saturday =)

    Sorry for the run-on sentence.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • kaitlinLs said:
    Yay for sticking around!

    This week... ugh.  Between the constant migraines (go away PLEASE), the nightmares of my class carrying on like banshees (oh wait, I'm living it during the day too... damn you, Spring!), one of my kids falling and hitting her the back of her head on a metal ladder today (blood- so scary, but just called home and she's okay!), and my gigantic, empty suitcase just sitting here staring at me, mocking me.... BUT, I will be in Italy on Saturday =)

    Sorry for the run-on sentence.
    Migraines are the flippin' worst. I feel your pain! Hope you feel better and enjoy Italy!!!!!
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