Hi all,
Recently engaged here, and I'm looking at probably 18 months (or longer) before the big day. I'm a very low-maintenance beauty kind of girl. I very rarely wear makeup, and if a hairstyle takes longer than 5 minutes I don't even bother. Thing is, I've got these dark under eye circles and bags - not so bad that they look like bruises, but dark enough that I always look exhausted, and smiling exaggerates the depth of them. Obviously, on my wedding day I plan to be smiling BIG and A LOT. So I'd like to get a jump start on trying to get rid of these pesky buggers. I have ridiculously sensitive skin, so natural remedies would be best, but I'm open to other suggestions. Have any of you had this issue and had success with any particular remedies? Or, just as helpful, have you tried remedies with nightmarish results???
Any and all help would be appreciated!