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Do you/ FI/ DH have your "own" pets/ fur babies?


Re: Do you/ FI/ DH have your "own" pets/ fur babies?

  • jenna8984 said:
    I got my cat when I was 20 years old in college (I'm 29 now). She never snuggled up to any of my 10 roommates over the years or any house guests- just me. Have lived with FI for 3 years and just recently in the past few weeks she's been snuggling on his side of the bed at night instead of mine. She still loves me the best but I love that she's opened up to him finally!! She doesn't do well with other animals so we plan to get a puppy together in the future once she's passed. How about you?? 
    We divvied up the pets when we moved in together lol.  I had three cats, but now one is "mine" one is "his" and one is DD's.  It's just silliness, but his cat loves him the best, mine has been with me the longest and loves me the most, and DD's is the sweetest baby in the world and loves everyone but she sleeps on DD's bed most days.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Chef is an equal opportunity snuggler and is attached to both of us pretty equally.   He has some person specific tendencies.  For example, if he wants a massage, he jumps on my lap facing me so I can massage his legs.  He never does that with DH.  

    However, as soon as DH walks in the door he goes ape shit and licks him down for a good 5+ minutes.   He also licks DH when he gets out of the shower.  Never does that with me.       Bed time is 70% my side, other DH's side.  There are other stuff that are person specific which is kind-of funny.

    We shall see with the new dog.   Which BTW - chef is barking at him to play.   Mack is just laying there like "what is your problem?"

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • My FI inherited a cat (Arthur) when his parents passed away three years ago. Fortunately Arthur is the best cat ever and has broken through my anti-cat stance.

    I brought a Boston Terrier puppy into the relationship, and a month ago (two months before our wedding) we decided to adopt another BT puppy. In hindsight getting a puppy so close to our wedding wasn't the brightest of ideas, but my FI had never had a puppy before and PROMISED he'd be then one to train it. Well...he had good intentions anyway :) The pups really are soooo cute together and now I can't imagine having just one - we just probably should have put off the newest addition until after the wedding!

    Add in the fact that I own a pet sitting company, therefore there is usually at least one extra four-legged creature around, and our house is a zoo!

  • eg72 said:

    Seeing people say that your refer to yourselves as your pets Momma or Daddy is AWESOME! FI and I do the same thing:)

    I honestly think this may be a reflection on what our parenting styles may be like. If so, I will be the one who is more strict and handles disciplining and FI will be the fun one.


    Oh we definitely do this.  I tell the babies "come to momma!" all the time and when FI gets home from work, I say "daddy's home!" and they get excited.  Also, whenever a dog is in trouble, I tell FI that his "daughter" or his "son" is in trouble.

  • eg72 said:

    Seeing people say that your refer to yourselves as your pets Momma or Daddy is AWESOME! FI and I do the same thing:)

    I honestly think this may be a reflection on what our parenting styles may be like. If so, I will be the one who is more strict and handles disciplining and FI will be the fun one.


    Totally! When FI and I had just started dating, maybe week 3 or so, he had to yell at (ok, speak sternly to) my dog about something while I was all "oh but he just doesn't know, give him a break" and trying to baby him. He said "man, I'm gonna have to be the disciplinarian when we..." and then stopped in his tracks like a deer in the headlights. I got this huge smile on my face and said "when we what?" Sheepishly, he replied "I don't know... am I supposed to... aw hell, when we have kids. I'll have to be the disciplinarian when we have kids. I mean, someday. If you want to." It was the cutest thing ever.

  • KPBM89 said:
    eg72 said:

    Seeing people say that your refer to yourselves as your pets Momma or Daddy is AWESOME! FI and I do the same thing:)

    I honestly think this may be a reflection on what our parenting styles may be like. If so, I will be the one who is more strict and handles disciplining and FI will be the fun one.


    Oh we definitely do this.  I tell the babies "come to momma!" all the time and when FI gets home from work, I say "daddy's home!" and they get excited.  Also, whenever a dog is in trouble, I tell FI that his "daughter" or his "son" is in trouble.
    We do the same.   Chef loves the words "Daddy's home".  He runs to the door all excited.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • I have a bunny I bought a couple years ago. I was with FI at the time. He doesn't like the fact that he wears black and she sheds like crazy. She's my baby, though! 
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
    Funny Awkward animated GIF
  • We each had critters when we came in to our relationship.  I (originally) had 3 cats, 1 dog, 2 horses and my son had a lizard.  He had 1 dog and 1 cat.  We're now down 1 cat and up 1 lizard.

    We were incredibly fortunate that all of our animals got along.  And, the dogs get all excited when I say "Daddy's home!"  They run to the door and jump around like morons.  It's cute. 

    My older black cat LOVES me.  Like "Here Mom, let me shove that book in your hand OUT of MY way so I can wrap my paws around your neck and kitty-hug you and love on you!"  He's very much my baby.  My other cat will love on anyone.  He's a slut. 

    DH's cat prefers DH, but will flop on me if Daddy's not around, or if Daddy doesn't want him on his lap.

    My wienerdog, he's a faithless little bastard.  Used to love only Mommy, but now wants his Daddy all the time (unless it's storming, then he wants Mommy).  Our black lab-mix is pretty much a Daddy's dog (he was SUPPOSED to be SS's dog...but..nope).

    DH has told me he gets a kick out of telling people "We have horses".  I usually remind him that "No, you have a wife who has horses.  YOU have a motorcycle."  But, he still likes to see the reaction from people.

    The lizards?  100% my son's pets, although I do like getting them out and playing with them (he has a beardie and a leopard gecko).  Who knew lizards could be so awesome?  :) 
  • @shrekspeare the first thing I thought when I saw your pictures was aww its good dog Carl. I used to love those books, no idea if you've heard of then though
  • @shaylagirl I think people act really weird when we mention my horse. They assume I'm super rich or something maybe? IDK. It's strange. 
  • DH lived with his parents when we met, and they shared 2 cats. One belonged to DH and the other to MIL. DH's cat gave me the evil eye whenever I came over because she knew I was the reason he wasn't around as much. When we moved in together, DH decided to leave both cats with his parents because he didn't want to move them from a 2-storey house to a 1 bedroom apartment.

    We adopted an itty bitty kitty 2 years ago. I was petting all the kittens, and the little black one wanted me to pick her up and immediately started cuddling and purring, so I had to bring her home. Whenever DH and I come home together, kitty wants DH to pick her up and pet her first, but then she spends the rest of her time with me. She only cuddles with me on the couch, she sleeps on my pillow, and sometimes she tries to groom my hair for me.

  • FiancB said:
    @shaylagirl I think people act really weird when we mention my horse. They assume I'm super rich or something maybe? IDK. It's strange. 
    I hear that a lot too.  I'm now down to "just" the two.  But then toss in that DH has a Harley, and people think we're loaded.

    I always like to share this joke:
    "How do you make $1 million dollars with horses?
    Start with $2 million."

    We wish we were rich.  We're just incredibly frugal and don't really "do" much outside of our hobbies.  I figure my horses are my gym membership AND my mental health therapy all wrapped up in one.  :)

  • How on earth did I miss this thread??

    FI and I each have a dog. Since we don't live together they're our "own". FI likes my dog...I don't really like his all that much. Anyway, prepare yourselves for some shameless AWing of the furbabies...

    This is my dog, Dave. He's a grumpy old man but I love him.


    FI's dog is big and goofy and a little too much for me to handle. His name is Elvis.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @lalalaurita OMG I want a golden so bad!! My FI wants more of a "protective" dog and I'm like hell no, I want a big sweet doofus!!



  • @jenna8984 he is definitely a doofus. He's actually a golden/great pyrenees mix, so he's like a huge golden. He's gotten even bigger since that picture was taken.

    What kind of protective dog does your FI want?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @jenna8984 he is definitely a doofus. He's actually a golden/great pyrenees mix, so he's like a huge golden. He's gotten even bigger since that picture was taken.

    What kind of protective dog does your FI want?

    He wants a German Shepard. Just a year ago, while I was jogging on the road I was attacked by a dog. It was a mix breed and it broke its chain and jumped its fence to come attack me in the middle of the road. I had my headphones on and didn't even see it coming or do anything to provoke it! It was a pretty big deal and I was in the hospital with a serious infection and wounds. So now I'm terrified of dogs.

    I understand that it's not the breed that makes a dog act that way- it's how they are raised, taught, and treated. But I still think the best trained Shepard still has that protective instict and propensity that Goldens just don't possess. It's very easy for an animal to have a moment of instinct take over and forget their training, and for me there is 100% fear with a shepard and 10% fear with a golden or a lab.



  • I had a cat first, and then BF & I got our dog together. 

    The cat, Brady, ADORES BF and has loved him from the first day they met. Violet, the dog, loves both of us but I wrestle with her more, and he snuggles with her more, so depending on her mood, that's who she goes to. 




    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • We currently have 2 "fur-babies", two Pomeranian-Chihuahua mixes named Ace (the larger dog) & Leia (the smaller one).  FI had Ace when I met him and it's one of the things that first attracted me to him.  I loved how much he loved his little dog.  A couple years ago we got Leia.  She bonded to me immediately.  It has taken her a couple years, but she's finally bonding to FI also and will cuddle with him.  But, it's kind of nice that, even though these are "our" pets, we each have one that favors us.


  • @jenna8984 that's horrible! Although I've never had anything like that happen to me, most large dogs make me very nervous...but FI just had to go out and get one.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • So, we don't have one yet but after we move into our new place in 19 days, not that I'm counting or anything, and get settled we're planning on adopting a dog together. I'M SO EXCITED!!! I love animals, dogs especially, and haven't been able to have one since I left my parents house due to apartment restrictions. I may actually be looking forward to owning a dog again more then moving in with FI lol
  • jenna8984 said:
    @jenna8984 he is definitely a doofus. He's actually a golden/great pyrenees mix, so he's like a huge golden. He's gotten even bigger since that picture was taken.

    What kind of protective dog does your FI want?

    He wants a German Shepard. Just a year ago, while I was jogging on the road I was attacked by a dog. It was a mix breed and it broke its chain and jumped its fence to come attack me in the middle of the road. I had my headphones on and didn't even see it coming or do anything to provoke it! It was a pretty big deal and I was in the hospital with a serious infection and wounds. So now I'm terrified of dogs.

    I understand that it's not the breed that makes a dog act that way- it's how they are raised, taught, and treated. But I still think the best trained Shepard still has that protective instict and propensity that Goldens just don't possess. It's very easy for an animal to have a moment of instinct take over and forget their training, and for me there is 100% fear with a shepard and 10% fear with a golden or a lab.

    That's horrible!  That's why I prefer small dogs. A couple years ago one of our neighbors got attacked by stray pack of 3 dogs (pitbull & shepard & some other large breed) while she was walking her dogs.  One of her dogs got killed. We now have pepper spray (the strongest we could find) attached to our leashes for when we walk our dogs.  And a couple months ago one of my coworkers got attacked by their neighbors dog, who jumped the fence.  He had previous called animal control multiple times for neighbor not keeping dogs in their yard. Coworkers daughter was with him and she was able to get on top of their truck to avoid getting bit, but he got bit pretty bad on his arm. I agree that proper training has A LOT to do with aggressiveness, but there is always some amount of risk with more aggressive breeds, regardless of training. But, a lot of stupid people get aggressive breeds and don't know how to train them properly or control them. If they are properly trained and controlled, they can be safe dogs.


  • @nicoann Yea, I never really thought it happened to people and then after it happened to me, people would send me news articles almost weekly about attacks. It happens way more than it should!! And even if we trained a Shepard to be perfect towards us, what if we went on vacation and someone came to feed it and it attacked that person? I never want to be on the other end of this lawsuit right now. 



  • nicoann said:
    jenna8984 said:
    @jenna8984 he is definitely a doofus. He's actually a golden/great pyrenees mix, so he's like a huge golden. He's gotten even bigger since that picture was taken.

    What kind of protective dog does your FI want?

    He wants a German Shepard. Just a year ago, while I was jogging on the road I was attacked by a dog. It was a mix breed and it broke its chain and jumped its fence to come attack me in the middle of the road. I had my headphones on and didn't even see it coming or do anything to provoke it! It was a pretty big deal and I was in the hospital with a serious infection and wounds. So now I'm terrified of dogs.

    I understand that it's not the breed that makes a dog act that way- it's how they are raised, taught, and treated. But I still think the best trained Shepard still has that protective instict and propensity that Goldens just don't possess. It's very easy for an animal to have a moment of instinct take over and forget their training, and for me there is 100% fear with a shepard and 10% fear with a golden or a lab.

    That's horrible!  That's why I prefer small dogs. A couple years ago one of our neighbors got attacked by stray pack of 3 dogs (pitbull & shepard & some other large breed) while she was walking her dogs.  One of her dogs got killed. We now have pepper spray (the strongest we could find) attached to our leashes for when we walk our dogs.  And a couple months ago one of my coworkers got attacked by their neighbors dog, who jumped the fence.  He had previous called animal control multiple times for neighbor not keeping dogs in their yard. Coworkers daughter was with him and she was able to get on top of their truck to avoid getting bit, but he got bit pretty bad on his arm. I agree that proper training has A LOT to do with aggressiveness, but there is always some amount of risk with more aggressive breeds, regardless of training. But, a lot of stupid people get aggressive breeds and don't know how to train them properly or control them. If they are properly trained and controlled, they can be safe dogs.

    THIS! It does not matter the breed beause all dogs at one point were WILD animals. Yes, even little dogs that seem harmless. If the owner is responsible to train their dogs properly they should not be a threat. However, I have seen the sweetes of dogs get agressive when put in the right (wrong) situation.

    For example, two of our dogs that live with us are lab/golden retriever mixes.  Both of these breeds are easy going, ladi back, and friendly dogs. However, I was walking them once and was approached by a man. He was very agressive to get my name and number and kept moving closer to me. As he did my dogs (both very sweet and friendly) started growling. They sure looked fierce. This didn't make him back off and we he kept persisting my dogs started barking and tried to get to him. I had them on a leash and pulled them back, but that was enough to get this man to leave. This just shows that any dog can be aggressive in a given situation.

  • FI got a dog his sophomore year of college, and I assumed the "mommy" role over him, but Duff really is "FI's dog." He'll listen to me when I get serious, and after that no one else. 

    I've had friends call me Khaleesi, Mother of Duff. :P

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • eg72 said:
    nicoann said:
    jenna8984 said:
    @jenna8984 he is definitely a doofus. He's actually a golden/great pyrenees mix, so he's like a huge golden. He's gotten even bigger since that picture was taken.

    What kind of protective dog does your FI want?

    He wants a German Shepard. Just a year ago, while I was jogging on the road I was attacked by a dog. It was a mix breed and it broke its chain and jumped its fence to come attack me in the middle of the road. I had my headphones on and didn't even see it coming or do anything to provoke it! It was a pretty big deal and I was in the hospital with a serious infection and wounds. So now I'm terrified of dogs.

    I understand that it's not the breed that makes a dog act that way- it's how they are raised, taught, and treated. But I still think the best trained Shepard still has that protective instict and propensity that Goldens just don't possess. It's very easy for an animal to have a moment of instinct take over and forget their training, and for me there is 100% fear with a shepard and 10% fear with a golden or a lab.

    That's horrible!  That's why I prefer small dogs. A couple years ago one of our neighbors got attacked by stray pack of 3 dogs (pitbull & shepard & some other large breed) while she was walking her dogs.  One of her dogs got killed. We now have pepper spray (the strongest we could find) attached to our leashes for when we walk our dogs.  And a couple months ago one of my coworkers got attacked by their neighbors dog, who jumped the fence.  He had previous called animal control multiple times for neighbor not keeping dogs in their yard. Coworkers daughter was with him and she was able to get on top of their truck to avoid getting bit, but he got bit pretty bad on his arm. I agree that proper training has A LOT to do with aggressiveness, but there is always some amount of risk with more aggressive breeds, regardless of training. But, a lot of stupid people get aggressive breeds and don't know how to train them properly or control them. If they are properly trained and controlled, they can be safe dogs.

    THIS! It does not matter the breed beause all dogs at one point were WILD animals. Yes, even little dogs that seem harmless. If the owner is responsible to train their dogs properly they should not be a threat. However, I have seen the sweetes of dogs get agressive when put in the right (wrong) situation.

    For example, two of our dogs that live with us are lab/golden retriever mixes.  Both of these breeds are easy going, ladi back, and friendly dogs. However, I was walking them once and was approached by a man. He was very agressive to get my name and number and kept moving closer to me. As he did my dogs (both very sweet and friendly) started growling. They sure looked fierce. This didn't make him back off and we he kept persisting my dogs started barking and tried to get to him. I had them on a leash and pulled them back, but that was enough to get this man to leave. This just shows that any dog can be aggressive in a given situation.

    A couple years ago we took our two little dogs to a dog park.  While there, a couple pit bulls tried to "play" with one of my dogs, which turned into more aggression than playing.  They got my dog into a corner and were biting her. FI was first one to run over there and pull the dogs off. The owner of the pit bulls just stood there watching and never even moved toward getting their dogs. When we confronted her, her response was, "Well, you have to expect things like that at a dog park".  Um, SERIOUSLY?!?!  No, I expect people to control their dogs and train them not to maul other dogs, especially if you are taking them somewhere off leash.  Luckily my dog didn't have any serious injuries. But, that right there cemented my opinion that stupid owners create stupid dogs. I've also got a friend with a pitbull that is the nicest dog and well trained. 

    But, any dog can get vicious if threatened or if they think they need to be protective. My cute little 8 lb dog will growl like crazy, or even snap at you, if you mess with her food.  Or if she sees someone peeking around a corner (FI does it on occasion just to mess with her) and she thinks she needs to warn or protect us.  And she will growl at strange noises in the night. Dogs will try to protect their owners, but sometimes that could mean going after something that they may "perceive" as a threat, even if its not.  And you can never be 100% sure what may or may not set them off.


  • nicoann said:
    eg72 said:
    nicoann said:
    jenna8984 said:
    @jenna8984 he is definitely a doofus. He's actually a golden/great pyrenees mix, so he's like a huge golden. He's gotten even bigger since that picture was taken.

    What kind of protective dog does your FI want?

    He wants a German Shepard. Just a year ago, while I was jogging on the road I was attacked by a dog. It was a mix breed and it broke its chain and jumped its fence to come attack me in the middle of the road. I had my headphones on and didn't even see it coming or do anything to provoke it! It was a pretty big deal and I was in the hospital with a serious infection and wounds. So now I'm terrified of dogs.

    I understand that it's not the breed that makes a dog act that way- it's how they are raised, taught, and treated. But I still think the best trained Shepard still has that protective instict and propensity that Goldens just don't possess. It's very easy for an animal to have a moment of instinct take over and forget their training, and for me there is 100% fear with a shepard and 10% fear with a golden or a lab.

    That's horrible!  That's why I prefer small dogs. A couple years ago one of our neighbors got attacked by stray pack of 3 dogs (pitbull & shepard & some other large breed) while she was walking her dogs.  One of her dogs got killed. We now have pepper spray (the strongest we could find) attached to our leashes for when we walk our dogs.  And a couple months ago one of my coworkers got attacked by their neighbors dog, who jumped the fence.  He had previous called animal control multiple times for neighbor not keeping dogs in their yard. Coworkers daughter was with him and she was able to get on top of their truck to avoid getting bit, but he got bit pretty bad on his arm. I agree that proper training has A LOT to do with aggressiveness, but there is always some amount of risk with more aggressive breeds, regardless of training. But, a lot of stupid people get aggressive breeds and don't know how to train them properly or control them. If they are properly trained and controlled, they can be safe dogs.

    THIS! It does not matter the breed beause all dogs at one point were WILD animals. Yes, even little dogs that seem harmless. If the owner is responsible to train their dogs properly they should not be a threat. However, I have seen the sweetes of dogs get agressive when put in the right (wrong) situation.

    For example, two of our dogs that live with us are lab/golden retriever mixes.  Both of these breeds are easy going, ladi back, and friendly dogs. However, I was walking them once and was approached by a man. He was very agressive to get my name and number and kept moving closer to me. As he did my dogs (both very sweet and friendly) started growling. They sure looked fierce. This didn't make him back off and we he kept persisting my dogs started barking and tried to get to him. I had them on a leash and pulled them back, but that was enough to get this man to leave. This just shows that any dog can be aggressive in a given situation.

    A couple years ago we took our two little dogs to a dog park.  While there, a couple pit bulls tried to "play" with one of my dogs, which turned into more aggression than playing.  They got my dog into a corner and were biting her. FI was first one to run over there and pull the dogs off. The owner of the pit bulls just stood there watching and never even moved toward getting their dogs. When we confronted her, her response was, "Well, you have to expect things like that at a dog park".  Um, SERIOUSLY?!?!  No, I expect people to control their dogs and train them not to maul other dogs, especially if you are taking them somewhere off leash.  Luckily my dog didn't have any serious injuries. But, that right there cemented my opinion that stupid owners create stupid dogs. I've also got a friend with a pitbull that is the nicest dog and well trained. 

    But, any dog can get vicious if threatened or if they think they need to be protective. My cute little 8 lb dog will growl like crazy, or even snap at you, if you mess with her food.  Or if she sees someone peeking around a corner (FI does it on occasion just to mess with her) and she thinks she needs to warn or protect us.  And she will growl at strange noises in the night. Dogs will try to protect their owners, but sometimes that could mean going after something that they may "perceive" as a threat, even if its not.  And you can never be 100% sure what may or may not set them off.

    That is true. Any dog can be aggressive and I get really irritated with stupid people who don't realize that. I know people who won't go near my friend's pit bull, who is the sweetest dog in the world because they are convinced he will attack. These same people wouldn't think twice go up to a strange retriever and try to pet them. Then when I try and tell them they shouldn't got up to dogs they don't know they think I'm crazy because of course "that breed never attacks people". Well I was viciously attacked by a golden retriever when I was in highschool. I was getting out of my mom's car and my neighbor's dog ran out of their yard and went after me. If I hadn't instinctively put my arm up this dog could have gotten my neck. So yeah, any breed can be aggressive.
  • Java is my baby. FI isn't a cat person and at first acted pretty cold-shouldered to him, but then I walked in on them cuddling together on the couch and I knew that it would all work out. Now they love each other.

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