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II/UO/I Judge/We Get It Already!

I'm in a mood today, I need to vent. I'm so fucking annoyed right now at people.

II: People who don't use their car blinkers. Twice in two days, the commuter shuttle I take to work has had to slam on the brakes because some asshole decided to just wander over to our lane without using their blinkers. It's not illegal people.

UO: I LOVE Nurse Jackie. Not a lot of people watch the show, it makes me sad because I have no one to talk to about it.

I judge: My pearl-clutching neighbors. The neighbors in the house the next street over (our yards are against their yards), their kids were talking to our neighbor's kids. The oldest kid got into some trouble at school and it's a small town, so EVERYONE thinks this kid is a sociopath. The mom comes RUNNING outside screaming "JAIME GET AWAY FROM THAT BOY, GET AWAY FROM THAT BOY OH GOOD LORD PLEASE!" FI comes running outside because he thinks a kid is getting kidnapped or something and she's just standing there talking to our neighbor's kid. It was a little much

I get it already: Yes MOH, I get that you want to get KTFU. I get that you keep dropping hints that I should buy maternity-appropriate BM dresses. What I don't get is that the FB group that you thought was secret/closed and you posted on it about how I'm not being supportive of your suggestions of maternity-appropriate BM dresses is NOT cool when it ends up on my newsfeed. I kind of wish you didn't realize it wasn't a secret/closed FB group and left the post up long enough to screen shot but my wifi at work is so freaking slow.

I get it already: My BMs, I love you both to death, seriously. But, you guys aren't my personal assistants. I love that you offer to help like every week, but the stuff I need to get done is a one person, at the most two-person job. Just be there December 12th, kthanxbai.

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Re: II/UO/I Judge/We Get It Already!

  • II- I have a morning commute vent as well. The exit I get off of to get to my office has a "Keep Moving" lane that turns right onto the street. Some people usually slow down but they keep moving. NOT THIS MORNING. This idiot sat at the "Keep Moving" sign thinking he needed to stop before he turned right into a lane that was already open. I beeped my horn but it didn't work. I was going nuts.

    II: I understand that when people on facebook share pictures of hurt animals that it's trying to raise awareness of animal abuse or in support of adopting pets but sometimes the pictures are so graphic that I seriously consider unfriending these people that post this stuff. I just can't handle looking at mutilated animals (Whales, Dogs, cats, etc...). It makes me sad and it also makes me want to puke.

    UO: My mom told me to watch Dancing with the Stars last night because it was Disney themed and I said NOPE. I could care less about Disney themed Dancing with the Stars.

    UO: Why is everyone so obsessed with the movie Frozen? I mean, I thought it was a really cute movie but people are like going insane over it and it's starting to get on my nerves. 
  • II:  Now that it's the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, I absolutely HATE how all of the news outlets are sensationalizing it all over again.  And back comes the "Boston Strong" stuff that made me angry a year ago.  Boston can (and will) be strong without the t-shirts and the face paint.  And I just get irrationally angry because I feel like so many people get so into it for the sake of being into it, or catharsis.  Like, they have no idea what it was like to REALLY live it.  To attend an event you attend every single year, and hear booms.  To see people running.  To be afraid that the public trash can on the corner could have a bomb in it.  To be afraid for your own personal safety and that of your family.  To have to shelter in place for an entire day while SWAT teams search your front yard looking for a terrorist.

    Like… if you don't know what that's like, I don't personally think you should be bombarding Facebook with BOSTON STRONG!  I know that's irrational and extremely unpopular, but that's really how I feel.
  • II- I have a morning commute vent as well. The exit I get off of to get to my office has a "Keep Moving" lane that turns right onto the street. Some people usually slow down but they keep moving. NOT THIS MORNING. This idiot sat at the "Keep Moving" sign thinking he needed to stop before he turned right into a lane that was already open. I beeped my horn but it didn't work. I was going nuts.

    II: I understand that when people on facebook share pictures of hurt animals that it's trying to raise awareness of animal abuse or in support of adopting pets but sometimes the pictures are so graphic that I seriously consider unfriending these people that post this stuff. I just can't handle looking at mutilated animals (Whales, Dogs, cats, etc...). It makes me sad and it also makes me want to puke.

    UO: My mom told me to watch Dancing with the Stars last night because it was Disney themed and I said NOPE. I could care less about Disney themed Dancing with the Stars.

    UO: Why is everyone so obsessed with the movie Frozen? I mean, I thought it was a really cute movie but people are like going insane over it and it's starting to get on my nerves. 
    To the bolded: YES SO MUCH. My friend brought it over for us to watch (no children were in our house) and I'm like "why the fuck do I want to watch a Disney movie?"

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  • @southernpeach89, so much agreement with your second II. I have stuff I support, and I do care about the animals, but YIKES. There is a time and a place to raise awareness, and I don't think my FB newsfeed applies.

    Along that vein of thought, my II: "Repost if..." Our ancestors didn't have to deal with this shit and neither should I. Just because I prefer to support and further certain causes outside of social media doesn't mean I don't care. (I hope that sentence made sense.)

    II: I am mad that it was so cloudy last night. I never remember to get up for things like this eclipse, and darn it, I wanted to see it. :(

    Question, NOT an II or anything: @buddysmom80, I'm just curious, what IS it about your MOH that actually makes you want her as your MOH? Obviously I've only heard about the recent stuff she's been doing that's bothersome and I don't know your full friendship, but it just seems like she hasn't been supportive or particularly friendly lately at all.

  • To @buddysmom80's last I get it: 
    I'm completely guilty of being that BM and that BFF. I just want to be a part of the celebration and excitement for someone I care about!! But I get what you mean. 

    I'm watching Frozen right now. And I probably watch it at least 5 times a week. And I sing the songs every day. It's just really catchy, a great story, and I love how it's Disney poking fun at Disney. 

    II: My two homeschool kids who will never graduate high school because their parents just don't care. The younger one, who is 18, cannot write in a complete sentence. The oldest, almost 20, is smart, incredibly caring, and would really have a great career, but she has no one encouraging and pushing her and it makes me angry at the whole homeschool system. We honored the oldest at last year's graduation banquet and will be honoring the youngest this year. I have no idea when they'll actually graduate. 

    I Judge: the people that live around my church. Seriously, three wrecks in an hour and a half in the exact same place yesterday. That was just yesterday! I almost got tboned in the next door parking lot because some dumb ass SPED UP as I was turning left in front of her. I had plenty of space and wasn't going to hit her. If she was so angry, she could have slowed down and not threatened either of our lives. Her dumb ass driving is why there are multiple wrecks a day on the road in front of our church. 


    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • @Buddysmom80- Apparently last night, it was on sale for $13 at Walmart and I think my facebook exploded with, "OMG OMG FROZEN ON SALE FOR $13!!!!!!!!!!?". I think I need new friends.
  • @Audrewuh- Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great movie with an awesome message but IMO I don't think it's something to go insane over as an adult. 
  • II:  Now that it's the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, I absolutely HATE how all of the news outlets are sensationalizing it all over again.  And back comes the "Boston Strong" stuff that made me angry a year ago.  Boston can (and will) be strong without the t-shirts and the face paint.  And I just get irrationally angry because I feel like so many people get so into it for the sake of being into it, or catharsis.  Like, they have no idea what it was like to REALLY live it.  To attend an event you attend every single year, and hear booms.  To see people running.  To be afraid that the public trash can on the corner could have a bomb in it.  To be afraid for your own personal safety and that of your family.  To have to shelter in place for an entire day while SWAT teams search your front yard looking for a terrorist.

    Like… if you don't know what that's like, I don't personally think you should be bombarding Facebook with BOSTON STRONG!  I know that's irrational and extremely unpopular, but that's really how I feel.
    I tried to be very tactful with my fb post this morning, and I will post one on Thursday when the anniversary for the West, TX explosion takes place. I may not be a resident of Boston, but I was still incredibly shaken to my core and my life was altered because of the actions of two young men. 

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • @southernpeach89 - I guess "going insane" is relative. Did I have a rush of emotion when I saw it was on sale last night? Nope. Did I rent it and make everyone at the GTG last weekend watch it? Yep. 

    But I usually have it on in the background, like now, when I'm at work or when I'm quilting or cleaning. It's happy and makes the time pass quickly. 

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • @clogreeneyes my MOH and I have been friends since we were 10 years old. We've had our ups and downs and when things don't go her way or the attention isn't focused on her, she gets a little bratty. I had a hard time nailing down a MOH, I would've preferred to have just BMs but I've been in a WP that that situation happened and everyone was confused 99% of the time. My other two BMs are busy either being a parent or working crazy hours at work, and I didn't want to add the extra stress of "will you be my MOH?"

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  • edited April 2014
    audrewuh said:
    II:  Now that it's the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, I absolutely HATE how all of the news outlets are sensationalizing it all over again.  And back comes the "Boston Strong" stuff that made me angry a year ago.  Boston can (and will) be strong without the t-shirts and the face paint.  And I just get irrationally angry because I feel like so many people get so into it for the sake of being into it, or catharsis.  Like, they have no idea what it was like to REALLY live it.  To attend an event you attend every single year, and hear booms.  To see people running.  To be afraid that the public trash can on the corner could have a bomb in it.  To be afraid for your own personal safety and that of your family.  To have to shelter in place for an entire day while SWAT teams search your front yard looking for a terrorist.

    Like… if you don't know what that's like, I don't personally think you should be bombarding Facebook with BOSTON STRONG!  I know that's irrational and extremely unpopular, but that's really how I feel.
    I tried to be very tactful with my fb post this morning, and I will post one on Thursday when the anniversary for the West, TX explosion takes place. I may not be a resident of Boston, but I was still incredibly shaken to my core and my life was altered because of the actions of two young men. 
    I didn't think your post wasn't tactful.  And you were impacted by it more than many people, since you had to SOP on your honeymoon.

    I'm generally annoyed by the people who were never affected by it in any way, and were all "ZOMG, BOSTON STRONG!"  And I'm annoyed by the Boston Strong movement in general.  You don't need an enormous sign or face paint or t-shirts to support the cause.  I think of those things as visual reminders of trauma…and really, who needs that?  The LAST thing I wanted to see a year ago were MORE things reminding me of the horror of it all.  The police tape and blockade of Copley Square was enough.  I don't need your damn sign.

    #endrant #sorryimsobutthurt
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    I think my judges were pretty clear yesterday on the WTF thread...

    I judge my FSILs. One for not vaccinating her children and putting her kid's health at risk along with countless others who are immunosuppressed, very very young, pregnant, or extremely elderly and infirm. The other for being a blind follower who ignores blatant scientific evidence.

    I judge the cashier at the grocery store last night. You're a 40 something year old looking woman dressed up like a 5 year old...including pig tails and a jumper. You look ridiculous.

    II: People who don't completely read my email responses and ask a question that's already answered in the email.

    UO: I don't like flats. I'll wear anything but flats. No matter how comfortable people say they are, they always look completely uncomfortable and unsupportive to me.

    II: Parents with strollers in super crowded spaces where you know there's going to be a massive crowd, especially the double wide strollers. It's tough enough to move through a massive crowd and your extra large fancy schmany baby bjorn running stroller with big wheels and all the accessories isn't making it any easier. I swear I'm going to to get a kid backpack when I have kids and forgo a stroller whenever possible.

    I get it already: Dog, I know you're bored out of your head today but...I'm stuck at my computer, and 2. It's freezing cold and crazy windy outside...not exactly fun weather for a play date at the dog park.

  • II: My mom posting on social media about how H and I clearly had lots and lots of sex on our honeymoon because we were on lockdown in Boston thanks to the manhunt. NO MOM. We were NOT having crazy wild sex. We were actually really stressed out and bored and frustrated. So we walked. A lot. Being in such a tense situation does not create for a sexy environment and I REALLY wish you would stop alluding to my sex life on my facebook for the world to see, including my students and their parents. 

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • edited April 2014
    @audrewuh- I just noticed your ticker and how it was your anniversary two days ago. I don't think I said it but Happy Anniversary!!
  • Thank you @southernpeach89!! We made it! Lol

    "You're our early 20's BSC scarecrow. They cower at your maturity." - lennonkdc Anniversary
  • edited April 2014

    @audrewuh Happy Anniversary.  I just finished creating table numbers for the reception last night using what you sent to me and it looks so nice. Thank you, thank you!

    II: Having to ask FI multiple times to do something.  I seriouslt have enough on my plate right now without having to remind you of something several times over the week.  Can you please finish up the kitchen updates too?

    Just a random vent I feel really panicked when I look at my ticker, I feel like I am ahead of the game on getting things done but I feel like I have a checklist a mile long.  Is this normal???


    Possible UO: Is it wrong as RSVP's are coming into hope for some no's ( especially FI's parent's friends I've never met or some of my relatives we aren't close to?)




  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    @audrewuh Happy belated Anniversary!

    @Peaseblossom55 I won't lie...there are some people on our guest list that FI and I would rather have rsvp no. We're inviting them for the sake of FI's grandmother. She'd never forgive us if we didn't invite these particular family members and FI loves his grandma too much to not invite them. The likelihood of them coming is extremely low anyway.

  • I judge my co-worker sitting near me for eating loud and crunchy food all day long today..... ughhh I hate being in cubeland.


  • II- I have a morning commute vent as well. The exit I get off of to get to my office has a "Keep Moving" lane that turns right onto the street. Some people usually slow down but they keep moving. NOT THIS MORNING. This idiot sat at the "Keep Moving" sign thinking he needed to stop before he turned right into a lane that was already open. I beeped my horn but it didn't work. I was going nuts.

    II: I understand that when people on facebook share pictures of hurt animals that it's trying to raise awareness of animal abuse or in support of adopting pets but sometimes the pictures are so graphic that I seriously consider unfriending these people that post this stuff. I just can't handle looking at mutilated animals (Whales, Dogs, cats, etc...). It makes me sad and it also makes me want to puke.

    UO: My mom told me to watch Dancing with the Stars last night because it was Disney themed and I said NOPE. I could care less about Disney themed Dancing with the Stars.

    UO: Why is everyone so obsessed with the movie Frozen? I mean, I thought it was a really cute movie but people are like going insane over it and it's starting to get on my nerves. 
    I strongly dislike this as well! In general I am not a fan of bleeding heart alarmists who try to shame their social media connections into having a reaction.
  • csousa1 said:
    II:  Now that it's the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, I absolutely HATE how all of the news outlets are sensationalizing it all over again.  And back comes the "Boston Strong" stuff that made me angry a year ago.  Boston can (and will) be strong without the t-shirts and the face paint.  And I just get irrationally angry because I feel like so many people get so into it for the sake of being into it, or catharsis.  Like, they have no idea what it was like to REALLY live it.  To attend an event you attend every single year, and hear booms.  To see people running.  To be afraid that the public trash can on the corner could have a bomb in it.  To be afraid for your own personal safety and that of your family.  To have to shelter in place for an entire day while SWAT teams search your front yard looking for a terrorist.

    Like… if you don't know what that's like, I don't personally think you should be bombarding Facebook with BOSTON STRONG!  I know that's irrational and extremely unpopular, but that's really how I feel.

    This is like saying people have no right to be affected by Newtown unless they have kids or live nearby. I think it's actually a lot more disrespectful to the people who were actually bombed to act like it happened to a select few and no one else should stand up with them in remembrance of what they went through.

    Maybe that's a UO, but I kinda doubt it.

    I think there's a difference between being affected by it and wearing t-shirts and face paint, like you would at a sporting event.  Funnily enough, I don't remember anyone doing that for Newtown.

    My problem isn't with people standing up in remembrance, it's the manner in which they do so.
  • csousa1 said:
    II:  Now that it's the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, I absolutely HATE how all of the news outlets are sensationalizing it all over again.  And back comes the "Boston Strong" stuff that made me angry a year ago.  Boston can (and will) be strong without the t-shirts and the face paint.  And I just get irrationally angry because I feel like so many people get so into it for the sake of being into it, or catharsis.  Like, they have no idea what it was like to REALLY live it.  To attend an event you attend every single year, and hear booms.  To see people running.  To be afraid that the public trash can on the corner could have a bomb in it.  To be afraid for your own personal safety and that of your family.  To have to shelter in place for an entire day while SWAT teams search your front yard looking for a terrorist.

    Like… if you don't know what that's like, I don't personally think you should be bombarding Facebook with BOSTON STRONG!  I know that's irrational and extremely unpopular, but that's really how I feel.

    This is like saying people have no right to be affected by Newtown unless they have kids or live nearby. I think it's actually a lot more disrespectful to the people who were actually bombed to act like it happened to a select few and no one else should stand up with them in remembrance of what they went through.

    Maybe that's a UO, but I kinda doubt it.

    I think there's a difference between being affected by it and wearing t-shirts and face paint, like you would at a sporting event.  Funnily enough, I don't remember anyone doing that for Newtown.

    My problem isn't with people standing up in remembrance, it's the manner in which they do so.
    Right, but it's not for you to dictate how people grieve and remember. No one is celebrating or making a mockery. This is moot though since you even said yourself what an irrational opinion it is.
  • csousa1 said:
    II:  Now that it's the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, I absolutely HATE how all of the news outlets are sensationalizing it all over again.  And back comes the "Boston Strong" stuff that made me angry a year ago.  Boston can (and will) be strong without the t-shirts and the face paint.  And I just get irrationally angry because I feel like so many people get so into it for the sake of being into it, or catharsis.  Like, they have no idea what it was like to REALLY live it.  To attend an event you attend every single year, and hear booms.  To see people running.  To be afraid that the public trash can on the corner could have a bomb in it.  To be afraid for your own personal safety and that of your family.  To have to shelter in place for an entire day while SWAT teams search your front yard looking for a terrorist.

    Like… if you don't know what that's like, I don't personally think you should be bombarding Facebook with BOSTON STRONG!  I know that's irrational and extremely unpopular, but that's really how I feel.

    This is like saying people have no right to be affected by Newtown unless they have kids or live nearby. I think it's actually a lot more disrespectful to the people who were actually bombed to act like it happened to a select few and no one else should stand up with them in remembrance of what they went through.

    Maybe that's a UO, but I kinda doubt it.

    I think there's a difference between being affected by it and wearing t-shirts and face paint, like you would at a sporting event.  Funnily enough, I don't remember anyone doing that for Newtown.

    My problem isn't with people standing up in remembrance, it's the manner in which they do so.
    I think the difference is that the bombings happened AT a sporting event. So t-shirts (I'm not sure about the face paint thing) shouldn't be that unexpected. Also, every team in Boston (Red Sox/Bruins/Patriots) did something special after it happened - so I don't think it's unusual for people to react to a sporting event by doing something done at sporting events. 

    Also, there are A LOT of t-shirts/wristbands/etc. dedicated to Newtown. Many teams also did t-shirts/patches/etc. in remembrance of that as well. 

    I also don't think it's necessary to judge people for feeling strongly about the bombing simply because they weren't there at the time, or didn't live there. I knew dozens of people in the area that day. Friends, family, co-workers... I am also from the only other state that observes & celebrates Patriot's Day, so I know that Marathon Monday means a lot to people outside of Boston. You don't need to have been ON Boylston that day to be affected.   


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Confession:  I had ice cream cake for dinner last night :( .  I think I know why my weight is up so much.... UHG - I gotta get on the 'eat healthy and workout' bandwagon again!!!!

  • @loves2shop4shoes I totally hear you with the Boston Strong thing. I thought I was the only one until my friend brought it up the other day too how she is so sick of hearing it. This is obviously an UO. 

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