I'm in a mood today, I need to vent. I'm so fucking annoyed right now at people.
II: People who don't use their car blinkers. Twice in two days, the commuter shuttle I take to work has had to slam on the brakes because some asshole decided to just wander over to our lane without using their blinkers. It's not illegal people.
UO: I LOVE Nurse Jackie. Not a lot of people watch the show, it makes me sad because I have no one to talk to about it.
I judge: My pearl-clutching neighbors. The neighbors in the house the next street over (our yards are against their yards), their kids were talking to our neighbor's kids. The oldest kid got into some trouble at school and it's a small town, so EVERYONE thinks this kid is a sociopath. The mom comes RUNNING outside screaming "JAIME GET AWAY FROM THAT BOY, GET AWAY FROM THAT BOY OH GOOD LORD PLEASE!" FI comes running outside because he thinks a kid is getting kidnapped or something and she's just standing there talking to our neighbor's kid. It was a little much
I get it already: Yes MOH, I get that you want to get KTFU. I get that you keep dropping hints that I should buy maternity-appropriate BM dresses. What I don't get is that the FB group that you thought was secret/closed and you posted on it about how I'm not being supportive of your suggestions of maternity-appropriate BM dresses is NOT cool when it ends up on my newsfeed. I kind of wish you didn't realize it wasn't a secret/closed FB group and left the post up long enough to screen shot but my wifi at work is so freaking slow.
I get it already: My BMs, I love you both to death, seriously. But, you guys aren't my personal assistants. I love that you offer to help like every week, but the stuff I need to get done is a one person, at the most two-person job. Just be there December 12th, kthanxbai.