Destination Weddings Discussions

Grooms Parents not coming b/c wedding is at the beach

Would you chance the location of your wedding if the grooms parents chose not to attend b/c of the location.

Re: Grooms Parents not coming b/c wedding is at the beach

  • Yes. But I consider FI's parents VIPs, and would do whatever I could to have them there because it's imporant to my FI.
    "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"
  • FI is not close at all with his parents and could care less if they were we partially planned a DW knowing they wouldn't come.

    I think if we were close to his family and they wanted to be there, but were adamant about not having a DW...we would take that into major consideration and not do it in order to have them attend.

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  • saric83saric83 member
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited April 2014
    I think your FI is the only one who can make that call, but it would matter to me what the reasoning is behind them not attending.
  • I agree with saric83. I think it would depend on why they are choosing not to come. If there is a medical/financial reason then that is one thing, if they just don't like the beach that is another situation all its own.

    My fiances father may not come and we are still continuing with our wedding plans. He would love for his dad to be there but we are not canceling because of this. His dad does not want to attend because my FI's stepfather will be there and they do not get along. We both think it is very childish especially considering the fact that they have been divorced for over 15 years. His stepfather has no problem being around his dad either. For this reason we are letting him make his decison but we are not going to give up on our dream wedding

  • I'm on board with "depends on the reason." Just being persnickety? Nope, the show will go on! There are other legit reasons I could see us making changes to our plans if need be, not liking sand is not one of them!
  •      Depends on how close to his dad the groom is. When we chose our destination we cleared it with our VIPs (parents and siblings). If anyone was less than enthusiastic about the location we would have figured out something else. FI would be crushed if his dad wasn't there.

        In our case my family and his are in different states. Anywhere we chose would have been a destination for SOMEONE. This way it's a destination for everyone :)
  • Its your wedding so they should support you both and you should be able to do as you like. Its your special day
  • I wouldn't. Its your day. We decided on a  destination wedding. We knew that a lot of our family and friends wouldn't make it but we would rather spend the extra money on a house and not deal with all the extra stress. We are still doing the showers and parties and are having a pre-wedding celebration for those who cant make it. You all do what you want to do especially if the reasoning is not a good one. Like health or something. Congrats!!
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