May 2014 Weddings

Wedding brain? Update: rage brain!

kkleigh10kkleigh10 member
25 Love Its 10 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
edited April 2014 in May 2014 Weddings
I've heard of "pregnancy brain" but is there such a thing as wedding brain?? If so, I've got it!

Over the last week or so my brain hit max capacity. 18 days until the wedding and I cannot remember ANYTHING if its not wedding related. I forget things at my job, at home, I can't remember what I'm supposed to get at the stupid grocery store...ugh! Yesterday I called my FI on his cell and got that little beep at the end of the ring tone that means he's on the other line. I hung up, checked my email, and called him back because I FORGOT I CALLED HIM THREE SECONDS EARLIER.

I swear I'm completely losing it...

Re: Wedding brain? Update: rage brain!

  • I agree so much! LOL I've been making lists every day to try to keep track of what I'm doing. I need to make sure my life is still functioning and also that I don't forget anything for the wedding. It's too much!
  • Totally! If I don't have it on a list it will most likely be forgotten. 
  • This is so possible! I call it bridal brain. I seem to forget the simplest of things. Work stuff home stuff etc lol. It's crazy. But I'm glad I'm not the only one. Misery loves company!
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  • Ditto. I had it when I told our florist the wrong table count at our "final" meeting and paid the balance.....went home and looked ay seating chart and had to call him to add one more centerpiece then go back to make the final final payment lol



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  • Ha yes, this has happened to me! Not too much longer (ahhh!)
  • I've had to re-do our photographer form, the DJ form, and I've changed the seating at the reception 3 times.  If this isn't bridal brain, I'm totally losing it!!

    Agree with the others - if it's not written down on a list, it's not in my memory bank. Oy!

  • Yeah I think I'm afflicted with it now too. My friend asked me this evening what else I needed to do to get ready and it took me a moment. Part of that is I don't have that much else to do but also I'm probably totally forgetting things. 
  • I have definitely confirmed my suspicions of wedding brain now...was driving home yesterday and realized I had missed my Red Cross appointment 3 hours earlier. I should have canceled it anyway since I'm sick, but it did not cross my mind once during the day! Oy.
  • kkleigh10kkleigh10 member
    25 Love Its 10 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited April 2014
    I felt like I needed to update this because my forgetfulness has been replaced by an unexpected rage! Ugh.

    By this, I mean that my usually happy, laid back self has been replaced by a highly irritable monster. I've only unleashed the monster towards one vendor so far, but it surprised even me! I bought a template for our wedding program off Etsy (my one and only DIY project) and brought it to Staples this morning for printing. The guy behind the counter refused to print them because the copyright from the artist at the bottom of the template states the artwork is for personal use only.

    I freaked out. Not in a screaming way, but in a "I'm so pissed its taking everything I have not to swear at you" kind of way. His reasoning was that because Staples is providing copies, they are in effect "selling" me the images. Which would constitute commercial use, not personal use. I argued that I'm providing the images (which I paid for) and they are selling me their printing services.

    He wouldn't budge. I think my face turned bright red. Its such a trivial thing to freak out about but man, I am apparently at the end of my rope!!
  • That is so ridiculous. They are for your "personal use" and Staples is just making the copies. I think some places make such a huge deal about copyrights (which I guess it probably is) that if someone sees the word copyright they just don't want to do anything with it. Did he end up copying them for you?
  • Nope. I had to go home and email the Etsy artist to get specific permission. I even showed the guy the Etsy shop's website that says, right on the product page, that "these templates can be taken to commercial print shops (like Staples, Kinko's etc) for easy printing!"

    I understand the guy is just doing his job, but damn...
  • How ridiculous! Nothing like freaking you out and making you do extra stuff right before your wedding for no reason.
  • Haha exactly! I kept saying to him " don't understand, my wedding is next week!!"
  • Uggggh how annoying! :( Good luck!!
  • I totally have it. The way it works for me is that I will have whole conversations in my head with someone and then utter some nonsensical thing, assuming they've been following along in my head
  • @kkleigh10 - I thought about you today because FI's son told me he was trying to get staples to make a copy of some pages from a study manual he has for school and they told him no because it was copyrighted.
  • @tammym1001 - how annoying!! Before all this it never would have occured to me that making copies of anything could be so difficult.
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