Attire & Accessories Forum

I Found My Gown!

I was sure that I would be the girl who tried on hundreds of dresses before making a decision. In reality I only had 2 appointments (@ 2 different bridal shops) and tried on maybe 8 dresses. The 1st appointment I just went with my best friend to ease my nerves about trying on wedding dresses at the 2nd appointment - which was scheduled first - so that my family & BMs & fiance's daughters could all be there. I was NOT expecting to buy a gown - I just wanted everyone to be involved in the process since we would all actually be in the same town at once. Well, surprise - I bought a dress! I love my gown - it's Lazaro with french alencon lace & tulle & I love the color :) I can't show the fiance of course, so I thought I'd share it here! 

I shopped REALLY early though so I'm praying I still love it in 17 months! I need to try not to think about all the gowns I didn't try on (I do keep thinking about the fact that I didn't try on a blush gown which I had fully intended to do) and should probably stop watching Say Yes to the Dress!

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