we are having a family only ceremony (about 30 people) - but friends are invited to the reception (total invited about 150). As most of our guests are coming to the reception only, when should we arrive? Should we already be there when our guest arrive to greet them - or do we "make an entrance" ?
The controlling part of me wants to be there already so i can make sure the room is set up as i have imagined. But the part that says(sings) "let it go" and let others handle those little things says we should make an entrance...
your thoughts?
not to be rude - but please don't comment on how we should have invited everyone to the ceremony (as i have heard on other boards) - i am honoring my FH in doing a family only ceremony as he does not like to be the center of attention. He would have prefered to only have us, his kids & the our Pastor!