Hi everyone,
I am trying to figure out a cool place to get married ! I live in Bucks County PA and I am not sure of my budget yet but I'd be willing to consider all options.... I am not against a city wedding but I am definitely a suburbs girl and my fiance is a suburbs guy.... It just seems like all the fun and pretty places like the aquarium, franklin institute (i love the planetarium), crystal tea room etc are downtown. What I want is a venue that has that cool city feel or at least something interesting about it without being IN the city...I don't want a boring old country club.... Is that impossible?
I know I definitely want to get married at the facility, most likely on a Sunday night (saves me $), I am envisioning a place with high ceilings, and some sort of pretty lighting....I'm thinking pink or purple....
As you can see I am still hazy on details here so it could go either way! At least I have the most important thing decided - the groom haha!
Thanks for any of your help in advance!!! Katie