Sorry, just getting very frustrated and instead of exploding in real life, I'm venting here.
For those of you that don't know (since I haven't been around super long), I'm at graduate school and FI is at professional school, in different states. We have been dating since HS. And I just got a job offer further away. Initially I was hesitant and even ranted about how frustrated I was about the job, but I dug deeper and it turns out that this is an amazing opportunity for me. It just wasn't what I thought I was looking for, but I had to move outside of that box. So I accepted the job offer.
So in the next few months I will finish my graduate degree and move to a different state where I only know a few people. I'm nervous about the job. I'm nervous about making friends. I'm nervous about finding an apartment. In December, I will be married to my amazing FI, who I wouldn't give up for the world. Then we separate again. I just can't be jobless in his city just to be with him. He has two more years of school, so we have two more years of long distance. And let me tell you that long distance sucks. But I negotiated for some 4 day weeks so I can go see him every 3-4 weeks! Just longer hours during those 4 days.
But everyone that asks about FI has to ask the same few questions: oh, where is your fi? Why are you long distance? When will you live together again? Oh so you are getting married and living apart? That's stupid/I could never do that. Why would you do that?
I usually just say something like "yeah, it has been tough, but it is worth it" and then bean dip. But seriously? Do you think you are helping? I know it is tough. I don't need advice. I don't need you to point out how much my life sucks right now. I know my life doesn't suck that much. Sorry, I'm just frustrated. I miss FI and he really is one of the few people I feel comfortable with, so this has been really hard on me. I try to be social, I'm just the typical awkward engineer and super busy! I'm overwhelmed with so many changes coming up. I'm tired and I'm scared and I'm missing FI, who is currently studying for a test.