May 2014 Weddings

RSVP Craziness

So I still have one week until my RSVP deadline. I now officially have all my RSVP's and everyone is a yes. I know that never happens for anyone hence the craziness in the title. I'm so excited! Now I can get my escort cards finished and I don't have anything else to do until the week of the wedding. Woo-hoo!

Re: RSVP Craziness

  • 100% attendance, and every one of your RSVP's came back a week before your due date? 

    Man, you've got a punctual social circle. :p

  • Yeah I couldn't believe it myself. LOL We are having a pretty small wedding so that probably helps a lot.
  • Wow. I am 3 days from our deadline, and I am missing HALF the responses.

  • vmj23vmj23 member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Love Its 5 Answers
    I'm jealous!!  We are about a week out from our rsvp date and i'm missing about 10..which isn't bad.  I sent out around 50 invitations.   Couple of them people that I saw at my shower commented "see you at the wedding" but still haven't sent it back, which is frustrating!   If they know they are coming, just send it back already!!  We have only had a couple declines, from people I expected.  Of course the pending rsvp's are people that I really and am unsure if they will come or not.  
  • I have about 20 who still haven't responded nor will the answer the phone calls, emails or text. They have till Friday which is when I need to turn in my official number. If I do not hear from them, they will be a no! Hate to do that. 
  • Ugh. Can you please have your friends and family talk to mine about the importance of prompt RSVP responses!!
  • I am 2 days away from my requested RSVP by date and missing 25. Ugh. How hard is it to send it back. Just check yes or no and drop it in the mail!
  • My RSVP date was April 18th.  FI and I were away for our bach/bachlorette parties this weekend and came home to all these responses.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • We are at two weeks after the deadline and are still missing about 30 :\
  • I am less than a week away from the deadline and for the last 4 days there have been no RSVPs in the mail. :-( Come on people! Mail this suckers!
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