Chit Chat

Manic Monday

pinkcow13pinkcow13 member
2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
edited April 2014 in Chit Chat
I hate Mondays. I had such a miserable time getting up this morning. So I went to my friends bridal shower on Saturday, and it was lovely. The only 2 things that stood out were that 1. She was over an hour late (an hour and 20 minutes to be exact) to her own shower. Luckily, they had wine for us and brought out some bruschetta to munch on. 2. Her MOH's cousin, who is not invited to the wedding, was at the Shower. Although I don't think this was my friends fault, my friend said she was surprised to see her there. She is having a MOH, a bridesmaid (who is a cousin), and 2 "Junior" bridesmaids, and the Shower was hosted by the MOH. I think that my friends cousin (who is a bridesmaid) did not help out, and maybe the MOH enlisted the help of her own cousin. I wonder if this means that she should now be invited to the wedding? I noticed that my friends bridesmaid cousin was not involved at all, did not greet anyone, help out with gifts (another friend and I helped them with the gifts), and she sat alone. I believe this is the cousin who was complaining to my friend about the cost of things, and how expensive things were going to be (As far as I know, my friend did not demand anything from them, and is letting them pick out their dress, not demanding hairstyles, etc). I think the MOH and her cousin were extremely gracious though, and still ensured everything went smoothly despite any snags.

After the Shower, FI and I went to a party at his cousins house which was a lot of fun. I spent all of yesterday recovering from it lol. So, overall a good weekend. How was everyone's weekend?



Re: Manic Monday

  • ElcaBElcaB member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    What makes someone an entire hour late? It's rude to be late in any case, but an HOUR? 

    My weekend was pretty busy. The only thing worth mentioning is that I ran my first 5k of this year. I was super anxious about it since I haven't run that far (or hardly at all) since November. As a result, I'm very out of shape and running is a huge struggle for me right now, but I'm so proud of myself because I ran the whole thing!  

    In other news, it was a rough morning. I woke up crying at 2 a.m. because I had a terrifying nightmare and FI had to calm me down. Normally I wake up before the sun rises to walk my dog, but I was so scared to go outside FI had to do it, which bummed me out because I really enjoy my morning walk. 

    Then, when I was making breakfast, I dropped an egg and smashed it against my leg in an effort to catch it. Of course, I was already dressed for work, so I had to change last minute to avoid smelling like rotten eggs all day. ARGH! Manic Monday, indeed! 
  • ElcaB - My friend and I were wondering why the hell she was so late. We even thought that they had put a wrong time puposely on the invitation. She just said "Oh you know, I have the baby. Had to feed her." Well Okay...

    Congrats on completing your 5K!!!! That's an awesome accomplishment! I know what it's like when you stop working out, and then try to get back into it. It sucks!! So it is so awesome that you completed it :)

    I had a rough Monday too, I had 2 really horrible dreams (one involving FI, the other my dad), so I did not sleep so well. And this morning my cat scratched the hell out of my shoulder when he slipped off me. It's barely 11 AM on Monday, and I am ready for the weekend!


  • JCbride2015JCbride2015 member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited April 2014
    PinkCow, I won't tell you much about my Monday so far because I'm in that in-between period when classes are over, and my next final isn't for over a week.   Don't want to make anybody jealous!

    Later today, I'm going to a bridal show with Fi's FSIL and his cousin, who are both engaged.  Should be fun.  I'm really making an effort to bond with them.

    @ElcaB that sounds terrible!  Both the nightmare and the mess with the egg.  The egg thing is definitely something I would do.  I always manage to get dressed for work and then either drop makeup on myself or snuggle my cat and realize I'm covered in fur.  Blech.

    ETA: but congrats on the 5K!  That's an awesome achievement.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • @jcbride2014 - I am definitely jealous. I need a vacation so badly! I went to a Bridal show with my MOH a few months ago and it was fun. We sampled lots of drinks and cake :) So enjoy it!


  • @ElcaB -- Congrats on the 5K!! That's awesome.

    Our weekend was a whole lot of not very busy. DH played hockey Friday night, then Saturday we hit up a local farmers' market, which was fun. We went out for dinner and drinks with a friend of ours on Saturday (it's kind of our Saturday routine anymore).

    Sunday was Mass and religious ed for me (DH doesn't teach religious ed with me, so he bails after Mass). We had an impromptu lesson on how to read Roman numerals because one of my kids referred to the newly canonised saints as 'John Paul the Junior' and 'John ex-ex-eye-eye-eye.'

    When I got through explaining how to read Roman numerals, one of my kids said, 'That's really stupid. That's a dumb way to count.'

    Well....yes, yes it is. There's a reason the Romans don't rule the world anymore, kiddo.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • HisGirlFriday13 - haha I HATE roman numerals! In fact a couple of weeks ago I was working on some product books. For some reason, my company uses Roman numerals on some of the products, so it will be "So and so policy VIII" or whatever. I was on the phone with one of our attorney's, and he was asking me which book I'd just edited, and in my head I'm thinking " Product Vee-ay-ay", lol. I took a shot and blurted "Product.... 7?"

    I love farmers markets, there is one near my job which I sometimes go to, and they have the best stuff! 


  • @pinkcow13 -- I think because I was a history major, I'm more used to them, but I do understand how much they suck.

    My kids were like, 'We gotta do math backwards to count? That sucks!'

    Yes, well. Can't help you there, kiddos.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • HisGirlFriday13 - I had to take Latin in high school, and I remember for one of the midterms of finals there was an entire section on just roman numerals. It was so brutal. I'm not good at math as it is, and now I have to DO math just to figure out what a number is?? Ugh lol.


  • I forget why and when I had to learn Roman numerals, although I know I learned them in high school. I also remember thinking, 'Wait, I have to learn to do math and count backwards and do all of this just to figure out what page this is?? Hell no.'

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • I had to work on Saturday. I only had one client, but we're doing a huge back piece so we've been having to do it in parts. It's his family crest, and it looks like it's kind of encased in the trunk of the tree. All the outlining for the crest and the tree is done and I started on the color for the crest this weekend. Hoping to finish it later this week (he's supposed to come in on Thursday) so that we can start on coloring and shading the tree. It looks awesome but it's huge and has a lot of detail.

    Other then that we went to karaoke with our drag queen friends (in full drag at a straight bar) and got a group of drunk frat guys to sing Let it Go with us. And Sunday I just laid around the house while FI went and spent time with her dad.

    Today we have had 5 different people wanting the infinity symbol tattooed on them. All with the word "believe" or "dream". Thanks Pinterest! Oh and I had one that wanted "forever", I actually couldn't handle it and told her "Forever? The infinity symbol means forever, you want forever forever tattooed on you? That's redundant and I'm sure you'll be coming back for a cover up in a few years", so she left. I have an infinity tattoo, I got it when I was 16 (so 12 years ago almost), it does have the word "Create" but looks a little different then what they all want now. So in general, it's a fine tattoo. But don't get it because Pinterest says its cool. Fucking Pinterest.

    Otherwise my day has been quiet.
  • MagicInk Your Saturday sounds awesome! I love Karaoke and it sounds like a lot of fun with drag queen friends! I went to brunch last Sunday with my BFF and some others, and there was some kind of drag queen game going on which was awesome. One of the queens was also doing makeup on people (I REALLY wanted to get mine done, but it was taking too long), so it was a fun boozy brunch.

    Ugh. Pinterest is really annoying. For some things it's cool and useful, but I think it just makes some things so much more ridiculous. The forever girl sounds hilarious. It kinda reminds me of the people that get the Chinese symbols thinking they mean one thing when it means something completely ridiculous. 


  • I told one of the guys at work I officially miss barbwire tribal tats with Chinese symbols for soup @pinkcow13. I know it's going to be bad when the say "Let me show you my Pinterest board", I just brace myself for infinity symbols and dandelions and whatever else hipsters like.

    Drag queens are awesome. When I first came out my dad took me to a drag show (I was 13) to show he supported me. I ended up making friends with some of them and when I was 14 and they discovered I had no idea how to walk in heels, they showed me the way. Its because of drag queens I can rock stripper heels today.
  • MagicInk - Oh geez. No good can come out of "let me show you my Pinterest board." Yikes!

    Your Dad sounds so awesome! I live in a neighborhood that has a very happening gay scene, and there is a spot that I believe hosted drag queen shows for Sunday brunch. I was supposed to check it out with my friend, but we never ended up going. I still have not been to a drag show, but I definitely want to, I think they are so awesome. And I wish I had taken some lessons in heels, because I don't think I am that great walking in them although I love to rock a sexy pair of heels.


  • @pinkcow13, It was a little odd for my dad when I came out. He grew up in a very...homophobic household. So he didn't know exactly how to handle having a gay daughter. He loved me, he was just kind of lost. So he figured he'd get me involved in my community. Some awkward moments were had, but over all it was all done because he loves me. 

    My best heel advice is to practice your bad ass bitch walk. You cannot wear heels if you don't know how to walk like a bad ass bitch. Much like Charlotte in your signature. And strut around a grocery store using a cart for balance. It really does help. Though you look weird.
  • while the MOH cousin was random, sounds like that was her choice to have her there so no the bride does not have to invite her to the wedding. Sounds like the cousin was just helping the MOH. And as for the other bridesmaid, no one is obligated to help with the shower so it is fine that she did not help and sat alone. My SIL (bridesmaid) spent my shower in the car, studying... she came in the shower for about a half-hour to eat--annoying yes, but that is her and she was not a host so I did not even notice it until someone else pointed it out when we were looking to take a picture with my bridesmaids. The bride being over an hour late is rude for sure; a guest running late, no big deal, but the person the party is for is crazy. 15 minutes late would not be horrible, but over an hour! I'd probably leave. other than that I had a nice lazy weekend. Uneventful really, but relaxing and productive. congrats on the 5K @ElcaB! I envy runners. I can barely run a mile and I am in shape, lol

  • pinkcow13pinkcow13 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited April 2014
    @magicink- that's wonderful of your dad to rise above the environment in which he was brought up. It's really great that he's so supportive. I definitely need to practice my badass bitch walk! I love the way Charlotte struts her stuff in my sig pic, it's actually one of my favorite scenes. Now that it's spring I might as well practice, I love to wear heels in this weather! 

     @erinlin25- yea I was trying not to focus on the bridesmaid because like you said, she didn't have to be involved at all. And yea it was totally rude that she showed up so late. Luckily the MOH and her cousin were very graceful about things, and made sure that the guests were fed and had drinks. If it weren't that there were 3 bottles of wine in front of me, I would have debated leaving because it was a hassle just to rush to get there. I hope my iPad paragraphs worked I think @addiecake posted something earlier about getting them to work? 



  • @pinkcow13 Click the icon with the red arrows.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Thanks @addiecake!


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