So my aunt and uncle (uncle is bio uncle, aunt by marriage) got into this huge fight the other night and she kicked him out. My aunt has always been nutty. Some background: when my cousins were growing up she wouldn't let them go out and do anything, ever. She got mad at my uncle once for taking them to see my great grandma after she had surgery. She said she was mad because it was a school night... The surgery was in July. She also has a history of lying about stuff to cause drama and if things don't go her way she gets very pissy. Don't get my wrong, I know my uncle isn't the easiest person to live with and I usually only get his side of the story. Well... A few years ago she did call my mom, sister, and I a lot to try and get us to side with her when she thought my uncle was cheating on her. Well she said she thought he was cheating but my cousin (their son) said that she was full of shit and knew my uncle wasn't cheating she was trying to cause drama. Anyway point is she has always been wacky.
Flash forward to the other night. My uncle called and ask if he could stay with us for the night after she kicked him out because it was too late to get a hotel room. He gets here and tells me and FI he has no idea what happened. He said he was watching tv and she went in there and started yelling at him. So he goes in the room. She follows him and keeps yelling. He goes to the kitchen and she followed him in there, got the mustard out of the fridge and starts squirting it at him. He got irritated, yelled at her and knocked the mustard out of her hand (FYI I'm got some of this story from my uncle and the rest from my cousin who saw everything. Can you believe they fought like that in front of their kids? They are 18 and 24 but still), anyway she accused him of hitting her and made him leave. The next day she pressed charges and filed for a restraining order. It went through, even though my cousins (who were witnesses) backed up my uncle. The cops said it had to be verified through the court. So he grabs some of his stuff and leaves.
Now, none of this is any of my business, I know that and I'm try not to get my self involved. The only reason I talked to my cousin is because I let him on my cell phone plan and he was dropping off his portion of the bill. However, my aunt calls me today and yells at me for letting my uncle stay with me for that night. She said I was supporting an abuser and that I should be ashamed. Then she told me that she didn't want me to have any contact with my cousins because I was supporting her abusive husband. I pointed out that my cousins are adults and she really has no say who they talk to, I also pointed out that he is my biological uncle and that he would always be welcomed in my home if he needed a place. I would do the same for any of my relatives. Then I hung up on her. I mean seriously? Who does that? Anyway, I just found out that both of their kids are pissed at her for trying to get their dad in trouble and have left the house and are staying in the hotel with their dad. So I think she is pissed she alienated her kids and she was trying to take it out on me.
I just needed to vent a little. If you managed to get through all of that then thank you for your patience.