
Bus rental: your experiences/recommendations?

Hi ladies!
My wedding is at the White Barn in Prospect, and the hotel we are recommending is the Marriott in Cranberry (not many hotels in/near Prospect).

We are planning on shuttling everyone from the hotel to the wedding (ceremony and reception are at the same location), and then back to the hotel. At this time I'm just looking at quotes and ideas of how to accomplish this. I'm expecting to have to transport close to 100 people, so I guess we'd need two large buses? I'm not really sure where to look for this type of vehicle. 


Re: Bus rental: your experiences/recommendations?

  • Hi! I was planning on a shuttle as well, but thought that the buses were expensive. I ended up finding this site:

    I posted about it in my April 12 Review post.

    This company provides a driver that drives your vehicle where ever you want for as long as you want. $20/ hr for first 3 hours then $15/hr after that. What we did was rent a 15 passenger van from a place called U-Save Auto rental (can rent a passenger van from pretty much any car rental company - Enterprise, Hertz, etc.) - our van rental was about $150.

    We had the driver from 4:30pm to about 1am. The driver showed up at the hotel where we had the van (driver could have picked it up but the timing didn't work out, so a groomsmen picked up the van that morning). The driver then took as many trips as necessary to get our guests from hotel to reception, and again at the end of night.

    I don't know how far away your reception is from hotel. You could probably do more than 1 van rental and more than 1 driver so that people aren't waiting for the van to show back up? I just really found this to be the cheapest and best option for us. Minibus rentals were quoting us $1000 for a set # of trips (1-2 trips to reception and 1-2 trips back at end of night) and we needed more of an actual shuttle service (some guests left early, some guests wanted to go to a bar after and needed a lift... you get the idea, haha)
  • @hannahj0 I did see your post and thought about it...There's a half hour between the venue and hotel, so we would probably have to rent enough vans to bring all of the guests to the venue at once (if we did round trips some people would be waiting at the venue an hour before others). I'm not positive, but I'm guessing hiring 10 vans and 10 drivers is probably pricey :/
  • haha yep, in your case I would not go that route. I believe one wedding I went to used Anderson Coach. All guests took one trip there and at the end of the night we all took one trip back to hotel. Not sure how much they cost.

    Good luck!
  • I'm using Pittsburgh Transportation Group for my wedding (that istwo weeks away!) to shuttle guests from the hotel to reception.  I am not positive but I think they'd go to Cranberry/Prospect.  I've seen other positive reviews for PTG here and they have a variety of shuttle options.  I had a very easy time booking and they do not charge you until after the event is over. 

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