FSIL's bridal shower is this Saturday. I only just found out that I can definitely attend because of work, so I looked at their registries online today. They have Target, Anthropologie, and Honeyfund (gross). The Target registry is almost completely sold out of things that are available in-store, with only two or three items left and those are $300+. There are several items available online at Target, but they don't offer rush shipping to get it before the shower. There is no Anthropologie near where I live, but there is one near where the shower will be held on Saturday. I refuse to use Honeyfund.
1) Buy something online from Target and have it shipped to their house. Come empty-handed to the shower, but know they'll receive the gift at home next week.
2) Same as #1, but print out a picture of the item to put in a card for her to open at the shower.
3) Wait until I'm on my way to the shower, then stop at Anthropologie. Hope none of the other guests do the same thing, because there are only like 8 things on the Anthropologie registry.
ETA: I guess there's a fourth option. Just buy something totally not on the registry at all?
As a side note. Both registries were extremely small to start with, and I'm annoyed because the easiest option for any guest at this point is to just give money to the Honeyfund. Which I'm sure was the intent. Barf. Also, how awkward is this shower going to be with like a million Honeyfund cards? Already went to one Honeyfund shower and it was basically the worst.
Having a tiny registry is fine, I'll just assume you want cash. But then you shouldn't also be having a shower, with no boxed gift options.
****Friday morning
Ugh. I just texted FMIL (the host of the shower) to explain I was able to get the class I'm teaching delayed, but not canceled. So I will have to leave a little early. She texts back, "I wish you could stay the whole time we have lots of fun games to play."
Seriously, I just inconvenienced a class full of 20 adult students so I can come to the shower. Your only response should be "Thank you! See ya tomorrow!"
"I'm not a rude bitch. I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."