Wedding Invitations & Paper

Keeping track of guests

Hi all,

When you were putting together your wedding guest list, how did you keep track of names, addys, rsvp's, etc? Did you use a spread sheet, MS Word, MS Access?? Also, how many of you did invites on your wedding website AND sent out invites?

Thanks for your info!

Re: Keeping track of guests

  • mysticlmysticl member
    Fourth Anniversary First Answer 2500 Comments 500 Love Its
    I did a spread sheet in Excel.  It came in handy for sending out Christmas cards too.

    I only mailed actual invites, none of that was handled online.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Excel spreadsheet. It's pretty bad ass. They're categorized by whether they're my side or FI's, how we know them (family, friends, work), columns for each guest's title, first name, last name, and a formula putting them together based on that (i.e. "Mr and Mrs Joseph Jones" or "Dr Sally Smith and Mr Steven Smith," etc), kids' names, address, city, state, number of adults, number of kids, calculation of total guests, whether they received a StD, whether they should be invited to the shower(s) and/or bachelorette party, and then I'll add columns to keep track of RSVP number, meal choice selected, gift received, and thank you card sent.

    All paper otherwise, nothing online.

  • I did everything in Excel, too. I had different spreadsheets for different things (addresses, who was invited to which shower, how much we spent, etc.) The master guest list was colour-coded, and cross-referenced, and I could tell who was from which side and who'd been invited and what number their RSVP card was and whether they had RSVP'd and everything.

    I had columns for titles, nicknames, kids, allergies, etc. 

    I did nothing online, other than the Excel doc was a Google doc I could share.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • emmyg65emmyg65 member
    First Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Answers 500 Love Its
    Excel spreadsheet. I used the one from A Practical Wedding. It has name, address, RSVP, dietary restrictions, gift and thank you.
  • TheMoezTheMoez member
    Second Anniversary Name Dropper 10 Comments 5 Love Its
    We have been using google docs and which has been awesome so far. I shared it with my FI, FMIL and mom (also my friend who did all of our invites). That way everyone could input information and check for errors. 
  • A shared googledocs sheet is a godsend. Plus it is free, and you can even edit it on your phone. 

    I'm the fuck

  • vmj23vmj23 member
    1000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 250 Love Its 5 Answers

    I made a spreadsheet.  I don't excel on my home computer, but use a free program, which is basically the same as excel, and fully compatible.   I've made columns for names, addresses, meal choices, shower gift, thank you sent, wedding gift received etc.

  • Google Docs! I have one massive document with different sheets for different things - guest list, budget, vendor info, a spending log, etc.

    My guest list sheet has a number column (I wrote that number on the back of the RSVP card in case they forgot to  put a name), a guest count column which sums up at the top (useful for planning, change the 1 to a 2 if they get in a relationship or I decided to invite their kids), a column for their name, guests (or kids) name, relationship (my side or his, family or friend), separate columns for address, city, state, and zip, a column to send them a STD, invite them to the shower, invite them to the bachelorette party. There's also RSVP columns (how many chicken and how many fish), etc.
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