This article appeared in our local newspaper today:
This is an opportunity for my state to get its collective shit together and join the 21st century in acknowledging same-sex parental rights, and possibly even same-sex marriage.
Our (Democrat) attorney-general, Kathleen Kane, has said publicly and repeatedly that she will not defend the state's ban on same-sex marriage.
The same-sex marriage issue is huge in our state right now after our idiot-in-chief (aka, Republican Gov. Tom Corbett) compared gay marriage to incest in an appearance on a local TV show:
He is blasting Kane for not defending the state's law. Kane is blasting him for potentially covering up the Jerry Sandusky sex scandal when HE was AG.
Meanwhile, we have a primary election in two weeks, and he's running unopposed in the primary, but the Democratic field is huge, and if the leading contender, Tom Wolf, wins the primary, Corbett will face an uphill battle and very likely a scorching defeat come November.
And all of this means my state might finally get its collective shit together. And that makes me happy.
I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'