Seriously guys, it's just a I love my dad post. You can totally skip it.
So my dad has discovered Pinterest. Mostly he just pins Doctor Who stuff and other geeky things he loves. But he stumbled across two pins that pissed him off. One about raising daughters and one about raising sons. He asked me if I'd seen them and I said yes (but hadn't read them) and then he had this to say:
You don't teach your sons things that you don't teach your daughters and vice versa. I raised one girl and two boys and I taught all three of you the same damn life lessons. How to tie ties, cook a steak, figure out a tip, shake hands, give back to your communities and you all became adults I'm proud to call my kids (aww dad!). There isn't one thing you teach a girl that boy shouldn't also know about. Not one damn thing.
Seriously, my dad is awesome. When I was born my dad realized he had a daughter and spent the first few months of my life educating himself on things like bras and periods and all the ways my body would change as I got older (cause he didn't know). My mom told him she'd handle all that but according to him, I was his kid as much as her's and he should be able to field any and all questions as well. He then taught my brothers all about women and their changing bodies. I remember him once saying "I will not raise a son who isn't enough of a man to buy tampons", and both my brothers have bought tampons without blinking because a period is nothing to be ashamed of.
I'm not sure he actually read the pins, but I'm just so happy to have a dad who looked at gender roles and flipped them the bird. Especially given the household he was brought up in, where there was women's work and men's work, where his sister got her mouth washed out with soap for saying she was on her period (ladies don't discuss such things), and where homophobia ran rampant. I just love that my dad realized, at a young age, that was all hogwash and raised his kids to be individuals who pursue whatever makes them happy regardless of what hangs (or doesn't hang) between their legs.