Okay so keep in mind my life as a writer is weird sometimes, everything is a story. Today I was on the way to meet my first loves baby momma. That sounds tacky, it's much less so. Basically I wrote a story about first love and how wonderful mine was. He saw it and showed the mother of his child, who works for him and he is still close with. She then wrote me to tell me how much she loved the story and how unfortunately he isn't the person he used to be. Fast forward to today we made lunch plans. We had been chatting and made fast friends.
On the way to downtown a guy stopped fast in front of me while turning when he didn't see a pedestrian in the road. I couldn't stop fast enough and slammed into him. His car was a Mazda Tribute and had a rubber bumper and it had big gashes throughout but none of the body work was damaged.
My car however, OMG holy crap. The entire front right side fell apart. All the lights were broken, I was pulling pieces of my lights out and throwing them onto the grass. My hood is damaged, fender crunched up, front bumper damaged.
I brought it to my body shop after the lunch (yeah I still had lunch with the other ex) and they said my car is so old it's not worth it to fix. Really long story short, I get a new car. And my body hurts but I don't think I'm wounded just stressed. And I cemented a friendship all in one day. Oh and I think my house is haunted but that is another story for another time.