Hi everyone,
I've seen posts on this topic before, but they are kind of old. My FH and I are funding our entire wedding and are looking to spend about $8k on the whole thing (we are simultaneously saving for a house, and well, out of the two, house is an eensy bit more important)
I have done some research, and estimate that the venue + food will cost abut half of my entire budget. I'm looking for wedding venues no more than $3500, but I'm having trouble finding them. A lot of places don't list their prices, and will only offer you a sample package if you schedule a visit with them. I'm willing to bring in my own caterer as well, so a venue doesn't necessarily have to include a menu package.
I'm looking in the south shore area, but also am willing to look near the cape, Providence, Boston, and metro west of Boston. Has anyone had any luck in this area?