Feeling a little bummed because while I haven't asked anyone to be in my bridal party yet, one of my besties has hinted to me, on more than one occasion, that she's really okay with (read: would prefer) just being a guest at the wedding. This really hurts my feelings for multiple reasons, but mostly because I was just in her wedding 6 months ago. I don't understand because she calls/texts/emails me to ask about my wedding plans all the time. She sends me Pins on Pinterest with helpful things to match my colors or themes. She's already doing all these awesome things for me, but has basically said "I won't say 'No' if you ask, but I'd like you more if you don't ask"
And it's not because of lack of funds.
I know I know, woe is me, zhe leetle snowflake! but it still really bugs/irks me and maybe some sympathy or perspective would help me out...