Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums

Cutting my hair before the wedding!

I know that everyone would advise against this, but I have really thought it over for months. I have been growing out my hair for the wedding and now it is to chest. I did this because everyone always tells you to. It is heavy and wavy, which just makes it fall flat and go limp, regardless of how much I try to style it. I've had my hair cut short before, between my chin and shoulders, and it looked great! I know the wedding is only 2 months away, so this is risky, but I'm going to do it! I'm just trying to figure out whether or not my elbow length veil will still look ok with it. I didn't spend much on it, so I'm not really worried if it won't. I'm thinking of having my hair curled and put half up. I'm excited for this change! It really lightens up my face and adds volume to my hair!

Re: Cutting my hair before the wedding!

  • emmyg65emmyg65 member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its 5 Answers First Anniversary
    Why would we advise against it? Lots of brides have short hair. Sounds like a cute change!
  • Sounds beautiful to me so I say go for it.  You know what looks best on you and the idea that brides have to have long hair is ridiculous.  I think an elbow length veil would look nice with short hair. 
  • I had a finger tip veil & my hair was much shorter then what you are thinking of doing for my wedding. I wore a pretty headband and the veil was placed on the back of my head towards the top of my head. I thought it looked great.
  • I did it! It looks great and I am glad that I did it!

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