Ok I need some help. I brought up the idea of a First Look with my FI a couple days ago, and at the end of our conversation he told me he doesn't care if he sees me before the ceremony but he wants to at least talk to me, hold my hand at calm down a bit.
I know a lot of people who do the whole hold hands around a corner and not see each other but still talk to each other, I think someone called it a "blind first look". I know a lot of people who have done actual first looks and really love it, but I also know people who are really excited to see their FI's face at the end of the aisle when he sees you for the first time.
I thought the idea of a "blind" first look was a great way to compromise. I definitely want to be able to talk to him for a little bit before the ceremony, so I can hear his voice, hold his hand and really calm my nerves, also I want to make sure he shows up. LOL
I wish he would just tell me weather or not he wants to see me before the ceremony. URGH. Men, sometimes.
Now that I don't know which one he want's I'm having a hard time figuring out which one I want. If we spend some time just talking but not seeing each other, we still get some moments together to calm down and he still gets that WOW factor when I walk down the aisle. If we do a full First Look, we get actual time together and from what I've read from those who have done a FL we still get a WOW moment.
I really don't know and since He doesn't know either I am opening up my dilemma for outside input.
Thanks in advance for the help, and sorry its so long.