

Looking for affordable florists that do a great job as well - I'm starting to feel like everytime I add the word wedding to my sentences they add $2,000:)


  • What area are you looking? Have you checked out silk?


  • I used Four Sister's Floral in Bayview and was happy with price and results.
    September 2011 Siggy Challange: Honeymoon!
    image 145 Made the cut!
    image 59 Are ready to celebrate! image 23 Are missing out! image 65 Don't know the meaning of RSVP!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I just booked Designs Etc, and her prices were unbelievably reasonable, her work looks great, came highly recommended by other vendors, and she includes very inclusive coverage for the day of.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I havent ordered mine yet but I refused to spend hundreds of dollars on flowers and I wanted real but also didnt wish to spend the night before or morning of putting flwoers together. I found www.bunchesdirect.com and all my flowers are going to be under 200. Its not EXACTLY the flowers that I originally wanted but I decided that having the people invited were more inmportant to the budget than having the PERFECT arrangement. They will be beautiful still!
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