Wedding Hair, Makeup, & Beauty Forums


Tipping to me is pretty standard whenever my hair is done. However, both women who are doing my hair and makeup work privately and not with a salon.( my trials were done in both of their homes, and they work solo) My question is, if they are getting cash directly, am I still giving them a tip if they work for themselves? My bridesmaids are also asking the same question....any suggestions?

Re: Tipping

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    I think in that case I would tip for a job well done. Especially if you work with these women consistently for regular hair cuts/colors/whatever.

  • My hair stylist works from home and I tipped her like I normally would for my trial and the day of my wedding. Regardless of where they physically work, they're still providing you a service.

  • There is a big difference between working through a salon and a hair stylist who works out of their home, solo.  When a hairstylist works out of a salon they are either paid an hourly wage or rent their booth.  In both cases tipping is very important because it helps to supplement their income.  But for a hairstylist that works from home and doesn't really have a business but just does it "on the side" kind of thing, all the money that the client pays goes directly into their pocket rather then some of it going to the salon and salon owner.

    In your circumstance, tipping probably isn't necessary but with many things and vendors (like your DJ and photographer and florist) if you think they did an amazing job you can tip whatever you wish

  • @Maggie0829, respectfully, it is not all necessarily going into their pocket. They have to provide for the products and equipment that they will use, and any disposables (pins, cotton, etc.) It might seem like little things but when you are doing it for several people (i.e. as a business) it all adds up. @CookieD86, I would say that tipping is a really wonderful gesture. And speaking as a beauty professional, it is always definitely appreciated.
  • @Maggie0829, respectfully, it is not all necessarily going into their pocket. They have to provide for the products and equipment that they will use, and any disposables (pins, cotton, etc.) It might seem like little things but when you are doing it for several people (i.e. as a business) it all adds up. @CookieD86, I would say that tipping is a really wonderful gesture. And speaking as a beauty professional, it is always definitely appreciated.
    Yes, I realize that but compared to the cut that salons take vs. how much one may spend on products for their own "on the side" business is a big difference.

  • For my wedding I am getting my hair done at my usual salon and just paying the fee plus my normal 20% tip (maybe 25%).  However my MUA is coming to my hotel, and is independently employed, and I am paying her a large sum for her regular fee.  I asked my hair stylist what she thought I should do about tipping the MUA, and she said that when she works on location for a wedding, sets a fee, and pockets the whole fee (on a day off from her work at the salon), she does NOT expect a tip on top.  But she said that some people may throw in a little extra, which is nice.  So basically I am giving my MUA a little extra on top of her fee but not a full 20% tip.  Also, having to pay for products and hair pins is nowhere near the same as just getting an hourly wage at a salon instead of a full service price.  Every business owner has expenses; that does not mean that every business owner gets a tip for his or her work.  
  • @Maggie0829, respectfully, it is not all necessarily going into their pocket. They have to provide for the products and equipment that they will use, and any disposables (pins, cotton, etc.) It might seem like little things but when you are doing it for several people (i.e. as a business) it all adds up. @CookieD86, I would say that tipping is a really wonderful gesture. And speaking as a beauty professional, it is always definitely appreciated.
    Anyone running a business, whether in a location or out of their home, includes the cost of any materials (plus a little mark up usually) into the price of their product or service. 
  • Thank you for all the advice ladies . I really appreciate your suggestions. 1 more day away ahhhh!
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