October 2014 Weddings


My dress came in early! It wasn't supposed to be in until mid-late July! Apparently my bridal shop expedited it for me as a surprise. I can't believe how lucky I am that I found this shop. (Sure it could be that they are happy that we have 7+ guys renting tuxes from them). My first fitting is June 28th. This was much needed as I was having a "this is the longest engagement EVER" day yesterday.


Anyone else have their fittings coming up?

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  • That's awesome! Mine is also supposed to arrive in mid-July. Fingers crossed that it comes earlier!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Man, I couldn't imagine waiting that long for my dress. I ordered mine online at David's bridal and got it in like two weeks
  • You guys are lucky - mine is supposed to get here early September, the shop promised me that as long as it came in within a week before my wedding they'd get it altered for me in time!

  • @Dignity100-you are braver than I am! I would be panicing over that time frame. But, heck, I saw and episode of SYTTD where they altered a dress to the point that it was pretty much a different dress and they did it in a day. It can be done!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @SaraBrideSoon - I have $$ set aside in case it does not make it to me in time.  Of course I'm hoping to use that $$ towards splurges on the honeymoon instead!

    I'll be a little 'hurt' if I have to sell it on Tradesy because I do totally love the dress, maybe I'd just have it altered and wear it while watching TV if it doesn't make it in time!!

  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    Mine isn't supposed to arrive til mid-July. I wish it was here now!!! I checked with the salon this weekend while we were shopping for BM dresses and they confirmed July again for me. :(

  • Also mid-July here. I really wish it would come in in the next two weeks, because then I am leaving town for a month and won't be back until the END of July. Haven't talked to them about that yet...
  • Yay!  I love when things don't take as long as they say!

    I didn't have to wait...got it off rack.  That's kind of what happens when you get engaged 5 months before you get married.  So they told me to set something up by Sept 1 for alterations.  We have it at my mom's house now so I can try it on whenever I want.  I'm holding off until I start losing a little weight.  At least I have it so I will know when I've lost enough weight to button all of the buttons!

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