Sometimes they chew Christmas tinsel (which makes for a festive litter box during the holidays) but they've ignored the box of spare save the dates, stamps, and envelopes until today when they just decided to stick their faces in it and nibble. Guess I'll have to hide the invitations when they come in.
Maybe they're just upset about not being invited? FI and I told them it would involve all the things they despise most (large crowds of strangers saying "Look at the CUTE KITTEHS" and massive amounts of car and plane transportation) and none of the foods or treats they love. Instead, they'll be getting a skylight suite at the kennel while enjoying daily play time, toys we don't have at home, and such delicacies as salmon and turkey pate. I mean, I expected to have to deal with some disappointed folks and awkward conversations, but...them?? Really??
Or maybe this means I should just skip buying them toys and just get them some cardstock of their very own...