I have been included in the planning of my bachelorette party since I got engaged. Recently I told my MOH that I could not find cheap tickets to where my bachelorette party is going to be and suggested doing something closer to home. She responded by telling me I was ungrateful. Months ago I received a similar response after a similar conversation. I honestly feel like she was out of line since I have been involved since the beginning and did not pick the place for the bachelorette party because I initially thought it would be too expensive because I am having a destination wedding. I also got additional messages stating I was stressing her out and pissing her off with all of my messages. Most of my messages consisted of updates of rooms, and flights I was able to work deals out for the entire bridal party to try and cut out of pocket expenses for the wedding. I have not been flooding everyone's messages with random things. I have sent messages every few weeks to let them know what I found to save them money while at the wedding. I also feel that she has not been as involved in the entire process but did not say anything about that until after I was told I was ungrateful. I truly don't want anyone in my wedding party that feels that way since that is not how I have been acting. In my eyes ungrateful would be "hey we planned this" and my response would be something like "that's not good enough". The wedding is a couple weeks out so I don't want to tell her I don't want her to be in my wedding but I don't want her as my MOH. Any suggestions?? I haven't talked to her since calling me ungrateful and don't plan on calling her until I get the apology I feel I deserve.