Alright ladies, help me out here!
I saw a video some time ago that I thought I had pinned to my board. Evidently I did not. =(
I cannot remember the name of the couple or the company who filmed it. All I can really remember is one very specific detail: the bride had a picture of her grandfather on her bouquet. I don't think it was a locket, but it very well could have been. I just know that it was a miniature picture of her grandfather, which she showed her grandmother. Her grandmother said the equivalent of "Oh sweetie, that's beautiful..."
I want to do something similar for my wedding and have been trying like heck to find this video. I've watched over 75 videos on Vimeo and Youtube and I simply can't find it. I'm hoping that one of ya'll has either seen the video or (even better) pinned it to your Pinterest board.
I'd appreciate any leads.

Thanks everyone!