So... on March 16th, I moved back in with my parents - got a job in my hometown, had a lease in the city where I'd been living, couldn't afford two rents, yada yada. On March 26th, my parents' house burned. My computer - which I had taken to work with me for the first whole week, but didn't ever use so I quit doing that - was pretty much right by the origin. Roasted, quite literally.
Since then, I've been using my cell phone (which is cracked and useless), my work computer (which is on my desk at work, since it's a DESKtop), or my dad's computer (which usually gets me the demon-eyes and bitched at). Contents insurance money is slowly trickling in, but since my computer was definitely a back-burner deal, I hadn't said anything about it. Especially since I'd really like a mattress that has something more substantial than air in it, and certainly since most of my stuff was still safe in my old apartment while my mom's mom's jewelry and her dad's mandolin and all this sentimental, irreplaceable stuff was being mourned.
So today we were going to look at mattresses. I was very excited. Until I found out that NO plans had changed and we were going to get my computer. I had a Macbook. Replacing it cost more than TWO mattress sets.
I cried until I got it out of the box and I haven't put it down since.
I am very excited, but also feeling very selfish to be this excited when we still don't have couches or mattresses or anything.
ETF: My paragraphs....