I've contacted so many photographers to get pricing (why can't they just put a min. price or estimate but say that they'll try to work with any budget?) and I got an awesome response back from one. This guy is so specific and has asked so many questions to the point that I feel like I don't even need to have a meeting with him before our free engagement shoot & photos, that he's offering as a test run before even choosing him. The only problem is that I can't find his website or figure out how I found him to begin with. I wasn't emailing random people asking if they were photographers! My computer history has deleted itself up to the last 2 days, it's not in my sent emails so his response was from some sort of web inquiry, he wasn't recommended by friends, isn't on TK or weddingwire, I don't see an ad on craigslist, and I can't find him on the many google searches I've tried tonight. I am clueless! I can find everyone else but him. The email address is a live.com and his name is kind of common (I keep coming up with someone from the UK). I've been so organized and on top of things and I let this one slip. I had to have seen pictures that I liked in order to have wanted to contact him for pricing...but where did I see it?!? I know I could ask him, but I'd rather just find it myself instead of having to ask "Uhhh, so by the way, where did I find you again/what's your website?" I think I just need to go to bed, but I'm awake because I've been thinking about this all day.