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A co-worker is getting fired today.

Ugh. I have a knot in my stomach. I actually know him through my brother. I had hired him here as a driver years ago. He quit and then he was brought back to be the packing supervisor. He doesn't report to me, so unfortunately I have no control over him being let go. 

His manager asked if I would sit in (company policy: either an owner or another senior manager needs to be present) and I said no. It would be way too uncomfortable. And of course he's not firing him until the end of the day. I can't even look at him. I feel so terrible. 

Re: A co-worker is getting fired today.

  • That sucks....
    photo composite_14153800476219.jpg
  • Ugh that's the worst.
  • Oh man that really, really sucks :(


  • ew I hate those situations. Recently my company decided to let someone go because they didn't have enough open positions when someone returned from maternity leave. You would think it would be "last hired first fired" but they HATED the girl who trained me so they let her go with NO NOTICE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. They asked me to come in at noon and basically hide in the office while they fired her so I could take over for the day. The worst part was she didn't even understand what was going on and went back to her desk and resumed working, probably thinking sh would be leaving at the end of the day. It was so awkward it was just painful.
  • Awe damn. It sucks when its coworkers you like
  • Ugh, that sucks. I absolutely HATE firing people - or being involved in any way. So, so uncomfortable! Particularly when you have a rapport with the person. 
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  • Ugh, the 4:30 on Friday meeting in the bosses office. I've see a few of those.
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  • Yuck, That's awkward!
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • I really hope he doesn't do it while I'm still here. But he probably will. And he'll probably use the office that's right behind my desk. 
  • FI's mom is a HR exec at a big oil/gas company. She would say that firing at the end of the day on a weekend is the absolute worst thing you can do. It gives no closure and no support. Yes, there's less potential drama, but it also lets them stew about it over the weekend. Some may take that weekend as a good opportunity to pull themselves together, other's won't.

    I don't know if there's any truth in it, but her training says that people are much more likely to be emotionally unstable or even commit suicide if fired at the end of the day on Friday. Again, I don't know how true it is, but I've heard it from her multiple times.

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    "They say there's no such place... as Paradise. Even if you search to the ends of the Earth, there's nothing there. No matter how far you walk, it's always the same road. It just goes on and on. But, in spite of that... Why am I so driven to find it? A voice calls to me... It says, 'Search for Paradise.' " - Kiba, Wolf's Rain

  • Ugh, I'm sorry, that is such an awful situation to be in.

    We recently had a situation at my company where our executive VP had to lay off her best friend, who's a senior account executive...but she had to keep it a secret from the AE for over a month until they were done pitching a major account. I honestly don't know who I feel worse for.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • blabla89 said:
    Ugh, I'm sorry, that is such an awful situation to be in.

    We recently had a situation at my company where our executive VP had to lay off her best friend, who's a senior account executive...but she had to keep it a secret from the AE for over a month until they were done pitching a major account. I honestly don't know who I feel worse for.
    That's terrible! I can't even imagine. 
  • I got the job I am at now through a friend of mine, and one day my boss pulled me in his office and TOLD ME he was going to let her go before he did it. I was so suprised and uncomfortable I pretended to be on a phone call for THIRTY MINUTES while they had their "meeting" and she packed up her stuff and left.

    That way I didn't have to face her and try and seem surprised I just made a sad face at her through my office door's window, and we texted later so I could pretend to be shocked. :(

  • Ugh, so awkward. A couple weeks back my boss let go the Exec Assistant. This woman was too good to make copies, apparently, among other reasons for not meshing well in the position. A good friend of hers is an Exec Assist. for someone else and had initially put in the good word; now her friend has taken over those duties until someone else gets hired. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

  • How did it go?


  • I had a roommate that, against my advice to the hiring gods, somehow got hired at my place of employment for a position to which she was wholly unsuited.  It was painful.  They kept her on until the last week of her probation was up and cut her loose.  She should have never been hired, much less made it out of the training program.  I genuinely felt bad for her, even though she was annoying as heck. 

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  • pinkcow13 said:
    How did it go?
    Not good. He basically begged for his job. I wanted to cry when he left. 
  • I'm sorry.
  • I hope he's ok, and will find a good job soon. :/
    That's too bad.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Thanks guys. I'm going to give him a call tonight to see how he's doing. He wife recently had spinal surgery and I want to send some food to his house. He's got two kids to care for. 
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