Guys, my friend is driving me crazy. I commented about her a couple of times, most recently in the cheating thread. So, she cheated on her ex- FI with 3 different men for 2 years (before she got engaged and through the engagement), broke off the engagement 3 times, he recently finally moved out. Fine, whatever. Her life, not my place to judge. For a few months now though, I feel that she has changed a lot. She has become such an AW, it's ridiculous, and lately it just really freaking annoys me.
Whenever she happens to hang out with us and FI's cousin is around, she is all over him. She made out with him months ago (he didn't know she was engaged, it was around the second time she broke it off then got back together), and I know he's a grown man (23 or 24), but I can't help and feel protective of him. I've known him since he was like 12, and love him like my own lil cousin, so I feel all "Get your claws off him!" Again, not my business, I won't say anything, it's just how I feel.
I thought maybe I was just alone in feeling this way, but a few people told me after our engagement party that she seemed really AWish. She wasn't the only single person there, but the only one that others commented on. My cousin (BM) met her that one time and doesn't like her because she saw my friend eyeing her husband. On our way to the after party she was flirting excessively with one of closest friends (and GM), who that week broke up with his GF. Then, as we are looking for the bar she starts talking about how she got the bartenders (from our engagement party) number, and she could call him so that we could find the bar. The second bar is owned by the same person, so the staff was going to the second bar after our party. And she would not shut up about it. Then, we get to the second bar, and her new current "boo" meets her there. Apparently she is now also seeing the bartender from our engagement party.
Today she IM's me at work to tell me she has another admirer at our company. I mean SHUT UP already! And I understand that yes, she recently went through a breakup, but she wanted out for years. On top of that, despite the crap she put her ex through, he still wants to get back together with her, and she lets him take her out, etc., having no intentions to work things out. That just seems unnecessarily cruel to me, and honestly I can't stand it.
I don't know if I'm being too judgmental, and I feel like I'm being a bad friend. She just changed a lot in a short amount of time, and has become really obnoxious. I feel terrible feeling this way, but I can't help it. Okay, my rant is over, I guess I just needed to get it out there.