Getting in Shape

Need a serious weight loss/exercise/accountabil-a-buddy!

JmkisbyJmkisby member
First Anniversary First Comment
edited June 2014 in Getting in Shape
Hi everyone! I am getting married on 9.12.15! I have met half of my weight loss goal, but still have 25 more pounds to go ! The problem is that I am becoming complacent with my current weight bc of all of the compliments I have been receiving, so I don't have the same motivation I once had! I have been doing this alone since I got engaged in august 2013, and have lost almost 100 pounds since 2007. I work out hard and eat well, but have plateaued for several months now. So, I am trying a few new things to shake up my routine! I'm hoping to find at least one other bride who is very serious about working out and losing weight! I am hoping we can motivate each other! Fad diets, weird pills, and crazy 60 day juicing cleanses are def not my thing. My new plan is to count calories/carbs/fat/protein using MFP and complete p90x. I have basically completed insanity twice in 2013 (both times I got sick my last week!!), and I recently got into lifting to tone a lot of the flab I have from being heavy during college. Is there anyone out there who is interested in teaming up? Maybe emailing or something? I'd love to hear some new ideas to freshen up my routine or diet, and maybe help someone else out with theirs!

Re: Need a serious weight loss/exercise/accountabil-a-buddy!

  • Hey there!  My FI and I have the p90x dvds, but I've been a little scared to open them lol.  If you want to, we can do that at the same time!  Definitely need some motivation with those suckers haha.  Feel free to PM me!
  • That would be awesome!! My fiancé has completed it twice and p90x2 once. He said he would do this round with me too! I would be fun to do it with another bride! I'll PM you!
  • Hey ladies! I don't know if you got around to doing the P90x. It's an awesome program but I also wanted to let you know, there are newer programs out that you may like more. I love the fact that you want to hold each other accountable. If you still feel like you need help, I'd love for you to join one of my challenge and support groups. You can do one of two programs. Focus T25. It's at home workouts, 25 min a day, 5 days a week. The program is 9 weeks long and the results are truly amazing. If you're looking for faster results but still healthy, I'd recommend 21 Day Fix. In just 21 days women are losing up to 15 pounds by exercising 30 min a day and eating right. It's not a gimmick. If you put in the effort, you will see results! Please email me if you want more info. I'd love to coach you through the process and find the right program for you.
  • Hi! thanks for the info! i own T25 and completed that and insanity.  i'm a huge shaun t fan! i'm moving to p90x for a change- less cardio more weights and toning.  but thanks for all the advice! 
  • I'm getting married Sept 6 2015 and am also looking to lose 25 pounds! I'd love an accountability buddy :)
  • Where do you ladies love?
  • LIVE not love!
  • Firstly if you want to lose weight try preparing a proper diet & workout regime and make sure that you stick towards it as long as possible try avoiding food with has fats in it. Also make sure that you include a daily activity of cardio exercise.

  • You should also e-mail the Beachbody Coach that you purchased your DVDs from.  If he or she is any good, they will have a Facebook group or some other type of group that they can plug you into at no additional cost.
  • frap33frap33 member
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Love Its
    Hey! Can I team up with you guys?
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