Chit Chat

The latest edition of "adorable sh!t your SO says"

edited July 2014 in Chit Chat
FI told me last night that he has started having wedding nightmares. Among the day full of horrors he witnessed in his dream the other night, he said "the worst part of all was for some reason I was looking down at the ground when you started to walk down the aisle, so I missed that big moment of seeing you as soon as you came out." I thought it was totally adorable that he's already thinking about that, and it's not just some sentimental thing I've blown up in my head that he doesn't actually care about. :-)  Then he cracked me up by saying when he did look up and see me, I had "Rihanna hair" and my face looked "weird, not like yourself" but he grimaced and told me I was beautiful anyway. And nobody ate the food so we came into the reception and the tables were piled high with all the leftover crab cakes.

What totally sweet thing has your FI/SO/DH/DW said lately?


Re: The latest edition of "adorable sh!t your SO says"

  • God, I would love a table piled high in crab cakes. 

    I posted last week how my FI has been really stressed because of work. We went to lunch together all last week and he told me that when we part ways in the morning (we have started leaving at the same time and walking halfway to our jobs in the mornings), he feels a little sad. Then he said he liked having lunch with me while he deals with this crap because I have a calming effect on him. Aww.


  • FI has been particularly sweet lately. Last Thursday morning I had a terrible migraine at work and forgot to bring Excedrin with me. FI and I were texting back and forth and I mentioned my migraine situation. Well, he had a meeting out near me and calls me to tell me to come outside my building in 5 minutes. Sweet boy stopped and got me Excedrin from the store and dropped it off before his meeting so I wouldn't have to suffer until lunch. He also sent me THE sweetest text message on Friday afternoon, telling me how much he loves me and that he is the luckiest and happiest guy in the world every day that he's with me. I just about melted into a puddle at work from the sweetness.

  • I was working to lose some weight before my dress fitting, and then after I found out my dress fits properly I need to work at maintaining where I am.  FI is rail thin and has never struggled with gaining or losing weight.  

    This morning I texted him and said I had a good week because I weigh the same as last week.  He texted me back and said he knows it is really hard to be good week after week and that he is really proud of me.  It made me tear up then and again just typing it out.  It is really nice that he knows what a struggle it is for me and is proud of all the work I put in to it.
  • FI and I were talking about some shit our friends are dealing with. They are a couple A and T, just bought a house. There are issues. 

    But anyway, FI and I were discussing couples moving in together, and that before we got together, neither of us would've considered living with a bf or gf unless we were sure we wanted to marry that person. FI had asked me to move in with him right after we got our cats, after about 7 months of dating.

    He then said, "I'd already figured out that I wanted to marry you way before that."

    That was cute as fuck, and I'm probably hormonal because I just got teary about it.

    I'm the fuck

  • FI and I were talking about the ceremony, and I mentioned something about when the officiant says, "you may now kiss the bride".  FI looked a little uncomfortable/sad and I asked what was wrong.  He said, "Do I really have to wait that long to kiss you?"  So cute.

  • I've had an awful cold for the last week and sound very nasal-y when I'm talking. Last night, I was laying bed and could not fall asleep because I was coughing so much. FI rolls over and says, "As much as I love your voice, even when there's snot all in your nose, you need to stop talking so I can keep hearing it. And here's some NyQuil...go to sleep."

  • Fi has been taking really good care of me with how crazy I'm going studying for the bar.  He tells me affirmations all the time: you will pass, you are smart, you can do this.  It's simple but it really helps.

    When his grandfather passed a couple of weeks ago and we had that hectic time of family stuff, he said "thank you" all the time just for random reasons.  "Thank you for being you."  He said I was really helping him stay calm and get through it.

    Also to lighten the mood, he said something really funny the other day.  He was holding a takeout container made of foil and says, "I can put this in the microwave, right?  Because there's no metal?" Me: "Honey, it's made out of metal."  Him: "Yeah but the microwave doesn't have one of those metal shelves in it, so it's okay to put metal in there, right?"  .....No.  No it is not.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • ShallowSeasShallowSeas member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited July 2014
    Our wedding shower is on the 12th so I wanted to buy a new dress for it.  We are on a tight budget since we are way over our original wedding budget and we're moving 5 days after we get back from our HM -_-  So we're trying to save all the money we can at this point.

    I texted FI the other day and told him that I had been looking online for sales on dresses and had found one that I wanted to look at for the shower because it was on sale for $15. I asked if it would be okay to spend a little money on a new dress and he said to me, "Pick out whatever you want baby doll. Get something you like, we have the money. Don't worry about what's on sale and what isn't, get something you really want".


    So I got a super cute dress.
  • Fi had to miss our food tasting last week because of crazy times at work. His job can get a little nutty and I usually just roll with it but I was a little bummed that he couldn't come. And it was at 5PM on a Tuesday when neither of my two best girlfriends were free.

    Tuesday morning I get a delivery of a dozen roses and a box of chocolate covered strawberries, along with a sweet note thanking me for all that I do for him and for all the wedding planning I've shouldered. Made me feel a lot better!
  • AngusaurAngusaur member
    500 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary First Answer
    edited July 2014

    ETA, Aw the rest of my comment didn't show up! I was kidding. He does say this to me, but in good humor. We like to annoy each other. The other day he came over to me out of nowhere, got on his knees, kissed my belly, and said "We are so lucky to have your mommy". I just about melted. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Our wedding shower is on the 12th so I wanted to buy a new dress for it.  We are on a tight budget since we are way over our original wedding budget and we're moving 5 days after we get back from our HM -_-  So we're trying to save all the money we can at this point.

    I texted FI the other day and told him that I had been looking online for sales on dresses and had found one that I wanted to look at for the shower because it was on sale for $15. I asked if it would be okay to spend a little money on a new dress and he said to me, "Pick out whatever you want baby doll. Get something you like, we have the money. Don't worry about what's on sale and what isn't, get something you really want".


    So I got a super cute dress.
    Oh gosh Fi is so dangerous to shop with.  He loves everything on me and will tell me to buy allthethings.

    I avoid bringing him when I'm trying to save money, and anytime I want to justify a purchase, I make sure he sees it first.  He will always tell me to get it.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • FI filmed a wedding at the Biltmore this past weekend. He had a crazy long day Saturday. I got a text when I was almost done working a 11:30 saying, "call me ASAP, sweetheart- I just need to hear your voice." It was adorable :) 

     Also-- be nice to your vendors! Feed them properly and don't treat them like crap! Poor FI was starving by the end of the night and the 'vendor meal' ended up being a tiny takeout box of about 4 bites of pulled pork on a crumbly piece of cornbread. With no utensils or napkins and nowhere to sit.
  • FI sent me a text this weekend that says "You're prettier than a whole field of flowers."

    When he got home from work last night he ran straight to me and said "I've been waiting all day to see you! I missed you! I love you!" And then I got a ton of kisses. It was great.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @JCBride2015 My FI is the same way haha. I went shopping with me when I was looking for a dress for the wedding shower and liked every single dress, even ones that I thought looked horrible on me. If my girl friends lived closer I'd bring them. At least they would tell me in a polite way that I looked bad in a certain dress instead lol.
  • FI knows that I'm already trying very hard not to overload myself with wedding stuff (and not quite succeeding). The other day, he texted me a picture of a Back to the Future save the date, and said:

    "Let's move the wedding to October 21st so we can have a Back to the Future wedding."
    "Dear, that's a Wednesday."
    "I know."

    Later: "Caption on a StD: Whoa Doc, this is heavy!"

    Unrelated, last night out of the blue he texted me saying he wanted to remove Hobby Lobby from our places-to-shop list. 

    He is consistently my favorite.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Maybe this isn't so sweet, but it was funny.  We will text each other kids' names that we like to see what the other thinks.  This morning I said, "What do you think of the name Dawn?" 

    He said, "It makes me think of little ducklings covered in oil getting baths."  Lol.  True.
  • FI filmed a wedding at the Biltmore this past weekend. He had a crazy long day Saturday. I got a text when I was almost done working a 11:30 saying, "call me ASAP, sweetheart- I just need to hear your voice." It was adorable :) 

     Also-- be nice to your vendors! Feed them properly and don't treat them like crap! Poor FI was starving by the end of the night and the 'vendor meal' ended up being a tiny takeout box of about 4 bites of pulled pork on a crumbly piece of cornbread. With no utensils or napkins and nowhere to sit.
    When we got married I made a point to let the DJ and photographers know they got to partake of the buffet and open bar, (both said we are working, no alcohol for us, but they had their fill of soda and tea).  When they got done eating though they came back up and thanked us for the wonderful meal. It meant a lot to them to not only get fed, but to get the "real" food and not the crappy vendor meal that can be provided. We also fed the photographers when we, WP, had sandwiches earlier in the day, after early look pictures and before ceremony. 

    Lurkers...second vote on feeding the people you are paying to work your wedding. They happier they are, the happier you will be. 
  • My fi can be such an airhead sometimes. He once asked me "What is a male tiger called?" which I will never let him live down. Also last week I found a container of raw cabbage in his fridge and asked him what it was for. He then replied that it was "lettuce from the tacos we had last night". Apparently he didn't realize he put cabbage in his tacos??? He did agree that he thought it was "a little thick and weird" hahahaha
  • jenajjthr said:
    FI filmed a wedding at the Biltmore this past weekend. He had a crazy long day Saturday. I got a text when I was almost done working a 11:30 saying, "call me ASAP, sweetheart- I just need to hear your voice." It was adorable :) 

     Also-- be nice to your vendors! Feed them properly and don't treat them like crap! Poor FI was starving by the end of the night and the 'vendor meal' ended up being a tiny takeout box of about 4 bites of pulled pork on a crumbly piece of cornbread. With no utensils or napkins and nowhere to sit.
    When we got married I made a point to let the DJ and photographers know they got to partake of the buffet and open bar, (both said we are working, no alcohol for us, but they had their fill of soda and tea).  When they got done eating though they came back up and thanked us for the wonderful meal. It meant a lot to them to not only get fed, but to get the "real" food and not the crappy vendor meal that can be provided. We also fed the photographers when we, WP, had sandwiches earlier in the day, after early look pictures and before ceremony. 

    Lurkers...second vote on feeding the people you are paying to work your wedding. They happier they are, the happier you will be. 
    I get mad enough when people schedule 9am meetings and don't bring bagels; I couldn't imagine being a vendor and working 8-10 hours and not getting fed a nice meal. That's ridiculous. Mine will get the same meal as the guests.

  • V is so great. He knew I had a long day at work. We are moving into new rooms at the department so I had to lift and carry a lot of heavy things. He just asked me what I wanted for lunch and he had it ready for me when I came home. Plus he calls me his fluffy hair girl and hugged me as soon as I walked in the door.
  • I had a gyno appointment yesterday. DH asked me how it was when I got home and I said awkward. The doctor was asking me all about my wedding and honeymoon while I was in the stirrups. Usually the doctors at student health just tell you what they're doing, so it was weird that she wanted to have a conversation. DH didn't understand how a doc appointment could be awkward and we had the following conversation
    Me - I had a Pap smear, so they collect cells from the cervix to screen for cancer
    DH - Do they stick a giant Q-tip in your whoo-hah?
    Me - Sort of. They have to be able to see the cervix first
    DH - Do they have a little flashlight for that?
    Me - No sweetie {describes procedure}
    DH - Gross. My way is better.

  • beetherybeethery member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited July 2014
    I think I'll keep him.

    I'm the fuck

  • Fi has been taking really good care of me with how crazy I'm going studying for the bar.  He tells me affirmations all the time: you will pass, you are smart, you can do this.

    DH did the same for me two years ago when I'd have total meltdown freakouts. At a celebration for a fellow law clerk and I after we took the bar, good friend/supervisor asked how dh made it through dealing with me all summer (my type A OCD is the stuff of legends). Dh replied it was simple-
    He worked a night shift job, so he slept through all the crazy and woke up in time to make dinner with me and enjoy my self appointed mental down time before I went to sleep (im very much a morning person). Colleague nearly fell out of the chair laughing.

    Hang in there !

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