I made a board a while back about my FI not wanting groommen's, and my parents flipped out (they're paying for the wedding). FI decided on his own with no coercion that he would have members of his family be GM.
We went and looked at suits and ran into the new Vera Wang line at Men's Wearhouse. FI has a very slim physique so the slim fit seemed perfect for him - only problem is it would cost $190 to rent with the coupon! My mom had invited herself along and even got my dad to come up there, and when we decided to wait to rent to make sure the other GMs could afford it, they were pretty mad. We just didn't want to commit to the tux and price without knowing what his family could afford. All we wanted to do was just go look at the tuxes really quickly and get an idea of prices to relay back.
Anyway, so now FI looked elsewhere and found what he believes is just as nice of a suit but it would cost $60-$70 less to rent. Only "problem" is their tie choices do not exactly match the BMs. My mom found out about this and started yelling at me about how they're (my parents) paying thousands of dollars and the LEAST his family could do is order the tuxes with the right tie color! She demanded that I tell FI that if they cannot afford the expensive tux, then they can just forget being in the wedding.
.....so, ladies, how important is the tie exactly matching? I honestly do not care as long as they look close enough to the same shade.
edited: trying to get paragraphs