Hello, This is my first time actually writing on the boards so I am sorry if I am posting in the wrong place. However, I needed to let out my frustration somewhere and could use advice from people outside of the party.
My fiancé and I have been dating for about 6 1/2 year, been engaged for 1 1/2 and will be getting married next Friday. 
We are so excited. We have been doing so well with the planning and it has been miraculously relatively stress free. We've hit MANY bumps but managed to shrug them off. (ex: 1. My MOH decided to go buy a ring with her bf of 3 months the day we told her we were engaged. Then she decided she was "too busy with her wedding" to be in ours...it was awesome... 2. My fiancé's siblings decided to get into a HUGE fight last week and refuse to be in the same room...which is convenient for us since they are both in the wedding party...joy...)
But the latest bit of news is really making me angry. I am not sure if its the nerves/stress of the big day getting so close that may be making me feel like it's a bigger deal than it is.
One of my best friends since middle school recently (2 months ago) started dating someone. Our rule from the beginning, was that dates were allowed to come if they had been together for 6 months or more. Apparently, after 2 months of dating my friend decided to get engaged as well. So, I decided to be nice and told her she can bring her now fiancé.
This friend sent me a text yesterday (10 days before the wedding) that read, "We are also getting married next Friday! =D." I was able to somehow keep my cool and said, "Does that mean you wont be able to make ours then?"
Turns out she is planning on getting married at the courthouse in the morning, and then coming to our wedding/reception following that.
For some reason, this is really bothersome to me, and I don't like it one bit. I have no idea what to do...since I can not tell her what I think she should do, but at the same time...how rude is that?!