This will be my second marriage. My first wedding my biological father walked me down the aisle and gave me away even though he wasn't the best father growing up and he and my mom divorced when I was 12 and he moved to another state and got re-married. We stayed in touch through facebook and phone calls every now and then but aren't very close. My mom re-married and I have known my step-dad since I was a kid. Me and my step-dad are closer than I am with my biological father right now. I don't know what to do. I want them both to be a part of my wedding but who gets the honor of walking me down the aisle and who gets the honor of giving me away? Should I do 2 separate father/daughter dances or should I have 1 song and have half with both. I don't want to regret that my biological father didn't give me away but my step-dad is the one who has been there for me through everything for the past 8 years. HELP!!!